About Mr. Cool

Hello! I am Mr. Cool! I am an American, from the great state of Michigan (the one that looks like a mitten)! I was raised by two teachers, so there is a long line of Mr. and Mrs. Cools in my family! My parents were athletes and coaches so I grew up playing many sports such as Hockey, Golf and Baseball. We also spent a great deal of time outside doing things like backpacking and camping.

After University I was very eager to travel and found myself in Korea teaching English for four years. This is where I learned that teaching was my passion! I spent my days teaching fantastic students and eating as much Korean food as I could! Knowing that I wanted to make education my career, I left Korea to get my masters degree in Denver Colorado! Where I gained a great deal of knowledge in teaching students of any language as well as becoming an avid mountaineer and climber!

After obtaining my graduate degree and teaching in Denver for 5 years I realized that I missed Korea, which brings me to today! Teaching 4th grade at this amazing school! I feel very honored to be teaching and working with so many amazing students and faculty at CDS. I look forward to an amazing 2020-2021 school year!