Dallastown Elementary

Dallastown Elementary

Located in the heart of Dallastown, Dallastown Elementary currently services approximately 180 students in grades K-3. Built in 1912, the building originated as 4 classrooms to provide education to learners in grades 4-6. In 1928, additional classrooms were integrated to become the old Dallastown Area High School through 1958.

Dallastown Elementary came to fruition in 1958 and to this day, students and staff can still be seen crossing the street for lunch and physical education classes.

How does the K-3 Standard impact Dallastown Elementary?

Dallastown Elementary is a staple within our community and the building will remain an integral part of our District.

Dallastown Elementary will continue to service K-3 students until approximately 2031, at which point we will reassess District needs to establish if Dallastown Elementary will remain a K-3 building or if the building is better suited for an alternate purpose within the District.