
Entering the Workforce.mp4

Considerations for Entering the Workforce 

Important Considerations:  School Attendance; Attitude; Work Ethic; License/Transportation; Drug Testing; Independence; Communication Skills

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Work Transition

Work Transitions is a program for seniors interested in holding a part-time job during the school year. Students must have at least a 2.0 cumulative GPA and be on track for graduation. No credits will be awarded for a student's Work Transition experience. Students are responsible for securing their own employment. 

Students must be employed no less than 5 hours a week if missing one period of the day or 10 hours per week if missing two periods. Students must meet with the College, Career, and Transition Coordinator two times per trimester. The Coordinator will also reach out to employers to check employment status. 

Interested in  adding Work Transition to your schedule? 

Please speak with your counselor. 

You will need to complete the Work  Transition Contract (located in the counseling office)