Dallas Independent School District

The Texas Education Agency defines wellness as an active process of becoming aware of and making choices towards a healthy and fulfilling life. Wellness is more than being free from illness, it is a dynamic process of change and growth. Wellness is being balanced – physically, intellectually, spiritually, and emotionally. Looking through the lens of integrating wellness with science, allows us to provide learners with opportunities that make relevance connections through environmental education topics such as sustainability, conservation, and a healthy environment through hands-on learning that occurs through outdoor investigations including gardening and field investigations. Scaffolding socio-emotional components into our standards-based, environmental education programs not only incorporates intellectual and cultural traditions that characterize the practice of contemporary science, but also reinforces an individual’s ability for informed decision making as Americas are confronted increasingly with questions in their lives that require scientific information and scientific ways of thinking. It also reinforces the following goals of school science in the K-12 Science Framework

Solar Eclipse Resources

On April 8, 2024, a total solar eclipse will occur in Dallas, Texas.

This is a rare and spectacular event that can only be experienced along a relatively narrow strip on the Earth's surface. The eclipse is also visible in other areas, but the Moon does not cover the Sun completely there.

Click Here for resources from the Environmental Education Center.

Guidelines brochure color_Kiki (2).pdf
Managing for Success.pdf

For more information, please contact the Science & Wellness Department at

972-925-8811 or sciencewellness@dallasisd.org