Welcome to THE H. W. Lang MS Staff Playbook!

THE Harold W. Lang Sr. 

Middle School

Also known as "Lang University"


Welcome to the staff hub for Harold Wendell Lang Sr. Middle School! 

Where Legends are Made

Lang University


Vision and Mission 


THE Harold W. Lang Sr. Middle School will be the model of excellence and the exemplar middle school for closing gaps and increasing scholar achievement exponentially. 


Our mission is to immerse our students in settings that afford them inspiration in every class. Leading by example, we will create a culture and community that is focused on scholar achievement, character development and education of the whole child.


Mediocrity is NOT an option. Only EXCELLENCE will do!

Core Values:  

Gratitude| Respect| Integrity |Tenacity

Campus Key Actions: 

Quality First Instruction | Positive Climate & Culture | Scholar Achievement

90 | 60 | 30

Welcome back Pioneers to the 2023-2024 school year! As the principal of Harold W. Lang Sr. Middle School, let me first share with you how excited I am to begin this new school year with positive school culture, instructional excellence and joyful learning. I know our scholars are in excellent hands and I am incredibly fortunate to have strong, dedicated leaders within our community at THE Harold W. Lang Sr. Middle School. As educators, we know the needs of each of our scholars are quite different. Yet, I am confident that we are ONE as a school community committed to differentiating and integrating quality learning experiences with consistency and excellence for every child. I am honored to join the staff of our esteemed school and look forward to embarking on our journey to excellence together. Lang Middle School is the Land of Legends and the Leaders of Tomorrow. #LangUYouKnow #OneBandOneSound

 -President Lyons, Principal, THE Harold W. Lang Sr. MS

Mediocrity is not an option. Only EXCELLENCE will do.

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