Supervisor's Den

All the permanent faculty members can be assigned as a project or internship supervisor or co-supervisor. On condition, you can work under some of our Adjunct Professor or Part-time faculty members. One supervisor and one co-supervisor will be assigned to each project team.

Here you can find faculty members who are currently supervising project teams.

Who would be my Supervisor?

A list of faculty members of the CSE department who will be assigned as a supervisor for final year projects or internships is approved by the honorable head of the department for each semester and the list is updated in PMIS choice list.

Find supervisors area of interest from their faculty profile and choose your ideal supervisor.

Faculty-wise Research Expertise (City Campus)

Faculty-wise Research Expertise (City Campus).pdf

Research Expertise-Wise Faculty List (City Campus)

Research Expertise-wise Teachers Initial.pdf

Supervisor Area of Interest (Ashulia Campus)

Supervisor Area of Interest - Ashulia Campus.pdf

Supervisor List is updated in the PMIS Choice List