How to Create Quiz (Multiple Choice Questions) in Moodle?

Go to your course & click 'Turn editing on'.

Click '+Add an activity or resources'.

Select 'Quiz' & Click 'Add'.

Add quiz name & description.

You can customize the timing for quiz. Click on the question icon on left to learn more the options.

To avoid multiple submission form individual student, mark 1 for 'Attempts allowed'.

Mention how many questions to show at once in layout.

Scroll down & click 'Save & display'.

Click 'Edit quiz'.

Add maximum grade for the quiz.

Click 'Add' & select 'a new question'.

Select 'Multiple choice' & click 'Add'.

Add question name & question text.

Add default mark mark for the question, feedback if any.

You can also define whether participants may choose one or multiple answer. Choose the format of 'Number of choices'.

Add choices.

Correct answer grade should be 100%.

Scroll down & click 'Save changes'

Scroll down & click 'Save changes'

Click on the magnify icon to preview your question

Repeat the same process to add more multiple choice questions.

After adding all the questions, go to your course.

Click on the quiz.

Click to 'Preview quiz now'.