Submit Assignment

How to submit Assignment?


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First, log in to DIU BLC.

On the left, click on 'My courses' & go to your course.

Find the assignment you want to submit & click on the link.

Click on 'Add Submission' to submit your assignment.

You may see 2 options for assignment submission: Online text & File submissions. At least, 1 options will be open.

For online text submission, you can type your answer in the text box.

For, file submissions, maximum file size should not be more than 100 MB.

Click on the arrow to attach file for submission.

Click on 'Upload a file' on left.

Click on 'Choose File' to select file from your computer.

Select the file you want to upload & double click to upload. Or on the bottom right, click on 'Open'

Note: Make sure your submission file includes your name & ID.

You will be able to see the name of the file you have selected next to 'Choose File'.

To upload the file, click on 'Upload this file'.

Finally, click on 'Save changes'.

After submission you will be able to see the name of your attachment file. Also submission status will be highlighted in Green.

After successful submission, we will get an confirmation message.