Pollster Help
Website with samples of poll and infographic
Tech Coordinator Help
Creating your Government website
Below you will find the requirements for your website with some tutorials below if you need help. Check out the examples below to get an understanding of what is expected and gather some ideas to help you create your website. Your website is a visual representation of your group's bill and can make an impact on how people view your bill.
A very important step in creating your website is to only insert items that are in your group bill Google Drive folder (The folder has the proper viewing permissions already set). If you want to insert something not in the folder, simply add it to the folder and then insert into website.
Below are some sample websites from previous classes.
Teacher Example
Past Years Student Examples
HB110 - Decriminalize Prostitution
Components of your website
Your website needs to contain all of the following:
Website Header - Image or text listing your bill name and number.
Informative Video - Short video explaining your bill in easy to understand terms
Bill Format - Google Doc found in bill Google Drive folder.
Group Paper - Google Doc found in bill Google Drive folder.
Primary Sources (Political Profile papers) - List all of your group members and label their party affiliation. Link their name to their political profile paper that should be in the Google Drive folder. Each group member's profile paper needs be in the Google Drive folder. Get link from Drive folder. All group members papers must be in Bill Google Drive Folder.
Slide Presentation - Google Slide in bill Google Drive folder.
Poll - Google Form in bill Google Drive folder.
Poll Results - This can be charts in the Google Sheet in your bill folder, a Piktochart or Canva embed.
Optional: Images/Video related to your bill (Easy way to enhance the look of your website)
EVERYTHING you insert on your website needs to be in the Google Drive bill folder. If you insert things not in the Google Drive bill folder, the permissions on the docs won't be correct and no one will be able to see the document or image.