7th Grade

It's a GREAT Day to be a Bulldog!

7th Grade Grading & Class Syllabi

OP Grading and Homework - Presentation

Grading and Homework

Oak Prairie uses common grading and homework practices throughout the entire building. Please click through the slideshow to gain an understanding of grading practices and expectations for homework and assessments. 

You can also find individual class syllabi with learning standards and units outlined below for each individual class. 

Baar OP Class Syllabus Template (24/25)

ELA - Mr. Baar

7th ELA Class Syllabus K Bond
7th Grade Honors ELA Syllabus - McCluskey

ELA - Mrs. McCluskey

Paulin Syllabus - 7th grade

Instructional ELA - Ms. Paulin

7th Grade Math OP Class Syllabus
7th Grade Honors Math Class Syllabus
7th Grade Instructional Math Class Syllabus
OP Class Syllabus Math Intervention

Math Intervention - Ms. Arient

7th Grade Science
7th Grade SS Class Syllabus
6th Grade Inst. SS Syllabus

Social Studies - Instructional - Ms. Rizzo & Mr. Sutkowski

Inst Science OP Class Syllabus PHYSICAL SCI

Science - Instructional

OP PE Class Syllabus

PE - Coopman, Russell, Wedewer

7th Grade Health OP Class Syllabus
Advanced Choir Syllabus
OP Art 2 Class Syllabus Template
OP 3D Art Class Syllabus Template
OP Digital Art 2024-25
OP Digital Media Productions 2024-2025
7th STEM Semester 1

STEM - Mr. Jacobson

Spanish A Syllabus
DLC - OP Class Syllabus Template

Discovering Languages & Cultures - Ms. Kaminski

Guitar & Strings Class Syllabus
*7th Grade Concert Band Syllabus
*Music Production Syllabus
EL Class Syllabus