being a student producer
Follow Sean Glover through his experiences with being a video and movie producer. Read to find out more information about the Video Productions classes provided here at Grants Pass High School, and see direct quotes from interviewed student-producers here at GPHS regarding their own experiences too.
By Sean Glover
Saying that making movies is hard is an understatement. Trying to produce movies, while having pocket change and a ball of lint as a budget, is anything but easy. It takes a lot of hard work and passion to create a film, especially when you don’t have much to your name. My philosophy, despite these issues, is that when you’ve completed your film and you have a polished product that looks somewhat professional, it’s extremely worth it. If you wish to be in the movie business when you’re older, it may be pretty difficult to know where to start. Whether you want to be an editor, a rigger, a producer, a director, an actor, a makeup artist, or a stunt double, there’s never a specific arena you begin in. So, in this article, I will introduce you to an array of producers who walk the halls of Grants Pass High School, throwing their hats in the Hollywood ring. Along with a screenplay that yours truly has created, in hopes of transforming it into a movie in theaters near you.
Kylor Whiting is a student who attends GPHS, and does what he can to make people laugh out loud. This comedian has struck the hearts of many at this high school, and continues to do so through the art of film. Recently, Whiting has created a trailer that was used as a project for Mr. Taylor’s, Video Productions I class.
Though, at the time, what he didn’t know is that many would be shown this trailer and it would be the reigning discussion among classes, big or small. This trailer describes the treacherous behavior of a physical education teacher and coach, Brian Richard. Titled B. Rich, Baby, the film reflects on the everyday life of this teacher, and the misunderstanding that people have on his daily attitude. The portrayed Mr. Richard describes this constant cycle of exercise as a job for the children, and that the kids have an obligation to do it. Whiting, the mastermind of this film, stars as Mr. Richard himself, and performs the role in an amazing and realistic way. When asked about his views on playing this role, he stated,
“It’s very fun recreating him like this. I mean he’s a really nice guy in real life, but over-exaggerating the way he acts is very fun. It makes people laugh.”
Whiting has also made multiple other small productions as well, including The Chicken Basket Trilogy, where Whiting impersonates the video teacher, Mr. Taylor.
Along with Whiting, Sean Glover (the author of this article) is in the middle of the production of a screenplay, for a movie he soon wishes to make. The film is titled, One Step Ahead, Two Steps Back. The idea for this film came to be back in 2019 when Sean and Christofer Miramontes were both enrolled in the Video Productions I class, along with Whiting. The duo had made multiple short videos for projects in the class; the comical videos loved by many. After some time, the small team decided they were going to make a motion picture. The idea was strong, but the project wouldn’t even be started until much later.
Currently, the screenplay is in progress, with the length of the script going up to fifty pages long. One Step Ahead, Two Steps Back is about a man named Marty Haywood, an anti-hero who stays hidden in the shadows, committing all wrong-doings within his own abode. The other side of the spectrum introduces a renowned anti-hero and hit-man, Antonio Vallejo. When these two men cross paths, they both realize that one may be better at what they do than one another. Convergence between the both men begins, and they are at constant war with one another. Although when authorities catch up with them, getting closer to revealing their identity, the two enemies must learn to trust one another and combine their strengths for the good of their anonymity.
Although, Whiting and Glover aren’t the only ones shooting for their Hollywood dreams. There are many other young producers who wish to get somewhere in the film business someday as well. Whether it be on talk shows, or behind the scenes, creating the CGI that makes sci-fi movies breathe, everyone wants to be something. As examples, I’ve interviewed many other people who have studied the ways of Photoshop, film, and much more. When interviewing Chase Oberlin, he was asked what productions he wishes to work on in the future. Oberlin replied,
“Besides helping Kylor with the B. Rich Baby movie, I think I’ll make some more funny skits and bits to appeal to my audiences.”
Wesley Powell has followed the film production path as well, recently creating a KTV episode that stars the English teacher, Mr. Kellogg. When asked if he’d recommend this class to anyone wanting to be in the film industry someday, he replied,
“I would absolutely recommend both Video Productions I and Independent Studies for anyone wanting to be part of the film industry… it definitely prepares you for those types of jobs, especially when you’ll be set with a specific job.”
So, if there is an occupation you’re shooting for when you get older, go for it. There are plenty of classes that are offered here at GPHS, and if you don’t go to GP, there are plenty of online YouTube tutorials or official online classes. Thank you, Scroll readers for taking a peek into the lives of these young producers, and hopefully gaining inspiration from them.
Sources: Lincoln Kasiah, Kylor Whiting, Sean Glover, Wesley Powell, Chase Oberlin, 2020.
B. Rich Baby made by Lincoln Kasiah
One Step Ahead, Two Steps Back made by Sean Glover
Marty Haywood made by Sean Glover