Parent Information

Navigating our day together:

-Students will start each day at 8:50 on schoology ( and sign in with their school google accounts.

-They will go to the "attendance" course. This course will have their schedule for the day with all needed links.

-Each day will start with a homeroom whole class zoom (found at the top of the attendance course).

-I will always make sure that students know where to go next (group, independent work, specials, break, lunch, or back to me) when we sign off of a live lesson.

-I will be building in breaks (and variability) both between lessons and within lessons.

-Lunch is from 11:40-12:40. Please take this time to help your child do whatever is best for them! Run outside? Screen break? Talking to a friend or family member during lunch in person or on the phone? Please think about your child and what will help them have a good day!

-Every class that I teach (for now but possibly for as long as we do remote learning) will start with a zoom and then break off into small groups and/or independent work).

-Every day will end with a live meeting to wrap up our learning.