
Meet the LRC Staff

Mrs. Katie Contreras 

LIS / Library Information Specialist

Mrs. Contreras is in her seventh year as our school librarian.  Previously, she taught C of C LA for two years at Emerson and spent another six  years teaching language arts before coming to District 64.  Her main roles include encouraging a love of reading in students, developing a strong collection that represents student interest and the curriculum, and teaching information literacy skills among different media.  Mrs. Contreras holds a Master of Arts Degree in Curriculum and Instruction and a Master of Science Degree in Library and Information Science from the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign.

Mrs. Sylvia Sagat

LRC Assistant

Mr. Angel Villarreal

ITC / Instructional Technology Coach

Mr. Dan Pacurar


Mr. Pacurar has worked in the D64 Technology Department for over 10 years!  His main roles at Emerson are repairing student devices and maintaining  technology equipment throughout the building.  He also serves as a District Technologist throughout D64.