Student Parking

Parking Information

Below is everything you will need to know to purchase a parking pass.  Please note that this year there are two notable changes from the previous year’s process, here are those changes:

- Parking Permit Applications are due on June 30 (any late entries will not be given priority even if the student meets the criteria).

- Students will be assigned a specific parking space that they will use every day that they are eligible to drive.  In previous years parking has been first come first serve, within the student’s designated parking spots. 

After all of the “Even” and “Odd” parking permits are allocated, we will work on assigning “Everyday” parking passes, beginning with student’s taking off campus classes, then Seniors. Please read and carefully review the information below so that if you are intending to purchase a parking permit, you possess the required documentation on Materials Pick Up Day.  

The Process:

One of the biggest changes that faces you right now, is that you must have the parking Permit Form filled out by midnight on June 30.  After that date, preferences for “Even” (meaning the 2nd, 4th, 6th, 8th, etc. calendar day of the month) or “Odd” (1st, 3rd, 5th,etc.) day parking will be accommodated for as many Juniors and Seniors as possible. 

After all of the “Even” and “Odd” parking permits are allocated, we will work on assigning “Everyday” parking passes, beginning with student’s taking off campus classes, then Seniors. Also, not new, is that everyday parking is ONLY for students who have an academic class that requires driving. Please read and carefully review the information below so that if you are intending to purchase a parking permit, you possess the required documentation on Materials Pick Up Day.




Applications submitted prior to the June 30 deadline will qualify for “Every Other Day Parking” (meaning that students can park on even or odd days of the month depending on the preference indicated on the application). After all of the Every Other Day Parking spots have been filled, and students in academic programs have been determined, “Every Day” parking will be determined with Seniors receiving the priority. In either case, the numbered spot that the student receives will be determined by a lottery. 

If everyday spots exist after the Senior spots have been allocated, the Juniors will be put into a lottery to fill the remaining spots.  In the lottery, it is possible that a student could receive the other day's parking permit.  After the lottery students will be notified if they are eligible to receive a parking permit (or a second parking permit) and need to pay an additional $100. If a student’s application is not completed prior to the June 30 deadline, the student will be subject to whatever parking spots remain after the Seniors and Juniors spots have been allocated. 

 If you are an early graduate or leave before the end of the year it is the expectation that your permit will be returned and there may be availability for other students to park and families will be notified if they submitted an application and did not receive a permit. 

Everyday Parking 

Seniors and Juniors enrolled in academic-related programs (ECC Part-time Dual Credit Courses, CO-OP, Teaching and Learning Practicum, Internships, and BNAT or Cosmetology through Fox Valley Career Center) will be given priority for an Everyday Permit given the transportation requirements of their SCN related academic program. As outlined by the registrar’s office, moving out of district boundaries is not a qualifier for everyday parking. 

SCN administration understands that each student/family has unique needs and challenges that can be potentially assisted by the ability for a student to receive an everyday parking permit. However, we cannot prioritize the needs of our students/families, and therefore, the best way to obtain a parking permit is to ensure your application for a parking permit is submitted correctly. 

Under Class Parking

Sophomores are not eligible to apply for parking permits. If a sophomore is found parking on campus during the current school year, they may become ineligible to apply for a permit junior year. Every year there are more parking permit requests from juniors and seniors than available parking spaces, therefore sophomores are not eligible for parking permits. 

Handicapped Parking

If a student requires handicapped parking, he/she must get a note from his/her doctor that he/she then presents at the DMV where he/she will be issued a handicapped permit. Handicap Permits are not issued by the school. 

Temporary Parking

Temporary parking is for students who are in possession of a current parking permit and are in need of parking on an emergency basis. Students must receive approval from their Dean to obtain a temporary pass. Reasons to use a temporary pass could potentially include: doctor/dental appointments, or court appearances, and having verification of a permit from the Attendance/Dean's Office to leave the building. Participation in morning and after school activities or AP testing are not considered valid reasons to purchase temporary parking.