
The goals of education are accomplished by the pursuit of knowledge and understanding rather than the pursuit of grades. The high school uses the letter grading system to represent the  different levels of achievement recognized in each course: 

 A:  This grade indicates clear and convincing evidence of deep knowledge and detailed understanding of the concepts and skills  learned in the course.

 B:  This grade indicates evidence of substantial knowledge and consistent understanding of the concepts and skills learned in the course.

 C:  This grade indicates evidence of basic knowledge and  understanding of the concepts and skills learned in the  course.

 D:  This grade indicates evidence of limited knowledge and understanding of the concepts and skills learned in the course.

 F:  This grade indicates that the student has not met minimum requirements and will receive no credit. Evidence of knowledge is incomplete or has so many misconceptions the student cannot be said to understand the concepts learned in the course.

 E:  This grade will be applied only when warranted by extenuating circumstances and must be approved by the Assistant Principal for Instructional Programs. This mark indicates that the student has made significant effort toward completing course goals, but has not met the minimum requirements of the course.  The student will receive credit for the course.

 P:  This grade indicates that a student who has elected to take a course pass/fail has met requirements for the course and will receive credit.

 W:  Withdraw, no penalty.

 I:  This grade indicates incomplete work and no credit.  Incomplete grades are changed to F if the student does not complete the work in three weeks.

 T:  Audit

 WF:  A student will receive no credit for the course. This grade indicates the student has been withdrawn from the course after three weeks. The grade of failure will be used to calculate the student’s grade point average.

 NC:  A student in independent service who is unable to fulfill the service obligation will receive no credit.

 OT: On Track: This grade is assigned to first semester students taking courses that only award credit after the completion of the second semester. 


Report cards are available on Home Access Center at the conclusion of each semester. Semester grades are the official grades that appear on a student’s transcript.

At the beginning of a course the teacher will explain course  expectations and the factors to be used in determining grades.

The semester grade represents an assessment of student performance for one semester.  Semester grades are based upon numerous assessments involving one or more of the following:

▪ Formal written examination

▪ Creative products (written, constructed, or performed)

▪ Oral examinations

▪ Other forms of evaluation that give appropriate evidence of course mastery

 A final assessment will not contribute more than twenty (20) percent to the semester grade. 


A student may elect to take one course per semester on a pass/fail basis. Students must complete a pass/fail form available in the counseling office and submit it by the tenth day of each semester.  The student may choose this option if a letter grade is received in 3 credits per semester in addition to the pass/fail course.  Required courses may not be taken pass/fail.  Pass/fail credit will count toward graduation, but will not be used in computing grade point average if a P grade is earned.  If a student earns an F it will be used in calculating grade point average.  Courses that are offered as pass/fail only will not count toward the one pass/fail elective.


Incomplete grades will be used only in extreme situations. A   student who because of illness or other documented reasons has not completed the required work may receive a grade of  incomplete from a teacher.  Students who have incompletes  recorded on their report cards will have up to three weeks following the end of the grading period to complete their assignments. An incomplete not made up by the end of the three-week period will be recorded as a failure for the course. 


A student may audit a course if there is space available after the course has begun. The student is required to participate in the course fully and maintain acceptable attendance.  

Permission of the parent, teacher, lead teacher, school counselor, and administration is necessary for audit enrollment.


Students may retake a course one time. The original grade will remain on the transcript; however, the GPA will be determined by using the points from the higher of the two grades.  The grade of F remains on the transcript. Duplicate credit will not be issued.  Students must complete a Course Retake Form available in the college and career office before enrolling in the course. 


 All courses will receive the same weighting except for courses  designated Honors or Advanced Placement. 



Grade Weighting


Grade Weighting 
















In order for a course to receive extra weighting the course includes at least five of the seven characteristics listed below.

▪ The course includes college level content or syllabus. 

▪ The quantity of learning activities, projects, and assignments in the course is significantly more than in other courses. 

▪ The ideas and concepts studied in the course are significantly more complex than in other courses. 

▪ The pace is accelerated in comparison to standard courses.  

▪ The course includes assessments in the areas of analysis, synthesis, and evaluation.  

▪ The time required outside of regular class period is significantly more than in other classes.  

▪ The course completes the sequence of classes/programs.


GPA is calculated at the end of each semester.

D303 does not rank students by GPA.  GPA bands and class percentile will be published by each school and made available on their respective websites.