
Q379 2018-2019 Welcome Packet PDF [ English | Español ]



MS 379 - Coffee and Conversation with the Principal

Friday, September 7 at 7:30 AM.

Dear Families,

It is with great pleasure that I welcome you and your child to the College Point Collaborative (CPC) family. Middle School is the most important years in our children’s lives as it shapes them into young adults but, it can also be the most challenging. Therefore, it is important that we have a strong productive partnership with you to ensure our children can achieve their highest potential. We at M.S. 379Q are a family and will build a safe and nurturing learning environment together with parents and guardians. Our children need support from both the home and school so we ask that you help support your child’s learning at home by ensuring that they:

● Attend school daily and arrive on time, ready for the day’s learning

● Complete all homework assignments given by teachers

● Read daily to develop a love for reading and to improve literacy skills

● Share school experiences with you so that you are aware of school life

● Inform you if they need additional support in any area or subject

● Know that you expect them to succeed in school and to go on to high school and college

To help best support the start of the school year and communications between families and our school, please complete the quick survey, link below, as soon as possible. Please consider joining our school volunteer program as our students can greatly benefit from your involvement and contributions to the school’s program and its operations. The survey will also allow you to identify the volunteer opportunities you are interested in.

Q379 WELCOME SURVEY [Action Required]

Below are some supporting documents you will need to prepare you for the upcoming school year including the supply list, school hours, dismissal policy.

Our goal is to empower students to become active, compassionate lifelong learners. When you enter M.S. 379Q, the question we will pose is, "What is your legacy?" We know working together our legacy will be the best middle school in New York City, creating opportunities for our students to be Leaders, Innovative, Opportunistic, Neighboring, Successful (L.I.O.N.S.) members of our society. The wonderful staff and I feel privileged to be a part of this school family. We thank you for your support and look forward to meeting you.

If you have any questions you can email me at RKlager@schools.nyc.gov.


Renee Klager

Principal, I.A.