December 2023 Issue

Hirsch Family Lights Display 

By Elisabeth Skorupa


Chris Hirsch and his family always grace their neighborhood with a stunning lights display during the Christmas season. They live in the Tinley Park area and create a magical Christmas wonderland for everyone passing by. In previous years, the Hirsch home was even a contestant in the “Chicago Light Fight” hosted by ABC7. An incredible amount of time and effort is dedicated to the stunning spectacle, including more than 100,000 lights, and thousands of feet of garlands. 

However, a new and unprecedented setback struck the family in early November. Chris Hirsch had torn a tendon in his arm, which required immediate surgery. Despite this onset of crisis, Mr. Hirsch could not bring his attention away from the upcoming Christmas preparations. Despite having an arm in his sling, Mr. Hirsch returned to the mission with a renewed sense of energy and spirit. 

Along with the help of his two sons, Kyle and Joshua Hirsch, Chris Hirsch began the preparations for Christmas in order to continue this tradition for the third year in a row. They were all determined to accomplish this difficult task by working together whenever they could. This included 14 hour days on the weekends and countless hours dedicated to this cause. 

This year, the Hirsch family decided to add to the light display. Themed trees became a new addition to the many other decorations. Specific colors and details are meant to represent differing diseases and conditions in order to honor those fighting against these afflictions. For example, green lights represent heart transplant survivors and efforts for mental health. The purple lights which adorn the rest of the decorations are added for pancreatic cancer and lupus. These examples of symbolism have special meaning to the Hirsch family and their close friends. 

The Hirsch family was also greeted by an overwhelming response from the community around them. Countless neighbors stopped by to offer encouragement and even help with the decorations. An estimated 30,000 lights were strung throughout the display this year with the help of a supportive community and family. This year, they have also decided to collect donations for the PAWS foundation in Tinley Park. Donations can be collected through a decorative dog house for cash donations and a QR code is available for online contributions. 

If you are considering a well-worth trip to visit the Hirsch holiday lights display, guests are welcome to stop by from 5:00-10:00 on Sunday through Thursday. On the weekend, hours are extended from 5:00 to 11:00. Visitors are encouraged to listen to 89.9 FM in order to enjoy theatrical and musical elements of this elaborate display. Candy canes and beads are also offered to all guests. For the most recent details and important dates, visit the HIrsch Christmas Lights Facebook Page

Annual Culture Fair

By Gracie Graham

Assistant Editor-in-Chief 

Culture Fair 

This year marked Andrew High School’s 2nd Culture fair since COVID. A celebration of diverse cultures and ethnicities, Project Diversity hosted the event during all the lunch periods on December 12th. Signature dishes from Middle East, Southeast Asia, Africa, Europe, South Asia, and Latin America brought joy to all students and staff before final exam week. Here’s a glimpse of the dishes served. 

The Middle East brought Baklava, a dessert of phyllo pastry with chopped nuts, then soaked in honey, along with Majanat, which is baked dough topped with cheese, meat, and Zaatar. They also brought a baked dish called Kras, which is baked dough stuffed with spinach or meat (my personal favorite).

This year South Asia contributed Parle G, a common Indian cookie that's eaten in the afternoon with tea. Speaking of drinks, Frooti, a mango juice, changed my entire outlook on life in one sip. I felt like I was drinking a smoothie in a juice box, and I loved every minute of it. Biryani, a mixed rice dish with vegetables and spices, along with Samosas, a fried pastry filled with spiced potatoes, onions, and peas, also made an entrance at South Asia’s culture fair table. 

If you didn’t try Africa’s food at the culture fair, you missed out on a revolutionary experience. The region brought fried plantain, which is best described as a savory banana. Jollof Rice also appeared, which is a Ghanaian dish made with rice, tomatoes, chilies, onions, spices, and veggies. The rice paired amazingly with the traditional African chicken, which was marinated in seasonings and then baked. 

Every year during the summer, I especially crave Europe’s Greek Loux Lemonatha, a lemonade soft drink that I’m almost positive is the most refreshing in the world. The specialty made Corned Beef Sandwiches, made from beef brisket, cabbage, potatoes, carrots, and mustard, was a phenomenal Irish dish. The last thing brought was a classic Greek dish of lamb slices wrapped in a pita, along with tomatoes, onions, and a delicious sauce called Tzatziki, called the Gyro. 

Southeast Asia came in strong with an amazing Filipino appetizer, called Lumpia. Lumpia is deep fried pork, cabbage, and vegetables wrapped in a light paper.  They also brought Pancit (pronounced Pun-sit), a noodle made with bihon, or rice sticks, mixed in with chicken and vegetables, along with Hello Panda, a Japanese cookie with a creamy chocolate filling. 

If the taste of pure joy was captured, it would be rolled in cinnamon sugar just like Latin America’s churros. The tamales, steamed corn dough with marinated chicken almost made me go into a food coma. The arroz was the perfect balance to the other dishes, and I’m already counting down the days I can eat those churros again. 

Winter Break Holiday Reads

By Elena Alveres

Staff Writer 

With the busy schedules that all students face, it seems that Winter Break is the only time that many have the ability to engage in hobbies and experience free time. During the holiday season, there are many festive books that you can read to help yourself unwind and enjoy the break! Here are a few recommendations for some great holiday reads! 

The Holiday Swap by Maggie Knox

This novel brings the charm of Hallmark into book form. The story follows twin sisters who live opposite lives, while one, Charlie, is a judge on a reality baking T.V. show, while Cass runs the family bakery in their small hometown. Despite the fact that their lives could not be more different, an accident that Charlie experiences causes her to lose her sense of smell and taste, making it difficult to work. The two decide to switch places and lives in order to help each other succeed. But, when they have to face complications of Cass’ ex-boyfriend at home, Charlie’s gorgeous physician assistant, and all the other challenges of each other's lives, will this Christmas be saved by their swap, or will it cause disaster? 

Three Holidays and a Wedding by Uzma Jalauddin and Marissa Stapley

This romance explores three holidays that all happened to occur during similar times during the year 2000: Christmas, Hanukkah, and Ramadhan. When in the midst of traveling for a sister’s wedding and various holidays, a snowstorm and turbulent plane cause three strangers to cross paths and share their deepest hopes and fears. These interactions lead to unlikely friendships and two new romances, and the friends realize there is no one else they would rather spend the holidays with. 

The Christmas Bookshop by Jenny Colgan

After Carmen is laid off, she reluctantly finds work with her sister Sofia, who owns a bookshop in Edinburgh. Sofia orders Carmen to help her at her struggling book shop, despite their strained relationship. Carmen wants to fix their relationship, but will the two of them be able to make up and save the bookstore before the holidays? 

A Holly Jolly Dwialhi by Sonya Lalli

This romantic story follows a protagonist, Nikki Randhawa, who despite her love for art, is a data analyst who always makes very logical and rational decisions. Despite this, she decides to take a risk and make an impulsive decision when she books a flight to her friend’s wedding in India. There she meets Sam, someone who shows her how to embrace her creativity and passion, along with her Indian heritage. When she receives a new job offer back home, she must decide between returning to her organized life or taking a leap of faith and staying to live the bold life she never dreamed she could achieve. 

A Merry Christmas, and Other Christmas Stories by Louisa May Alcott

Fans of Little Women will find Lousia May Alcott’s short story collection of classic holiday tales heart warming and enchanting. These stories are the perfect way to experience the storytelling of such a renowned author during the holiday season and experience the same holiday joy of Little Women!

"Leafing my Mark": Operation Snowball

By Shelby Oliver

Staff Writer

On November 17th, fellow D230 students and I embarked to attend Operation Snowball, a leadership based camp sponsored by the district. Following the hour and a half journey, I nervously stepped off the bus with my friend Hasel at YMCA Camp Duncan, where Snowball is held. We were immediately greeted by welcoming staff and received our sleeping cabin and team information for the weekend as we began to explore the camp. The beautiful autumn scenery surrounded all of the camp's trails and cabins. After investigating the camp, we made our way towards the main cabin where I met my fellow small group members. As my group and I embarked to another cabin, we were gifted journals, “poof” necklaces, and team-identifiers. The energetic spirit immediately shared by my team and I set the exciting tone for the weekend to come. 

Heading to our sleeping cabins, Hasel and I were grateful to be bunking together. Operation Snowball staff prepared the sleeping arrangements and were more than happy to take pairing requests. When we finished setting up our beds, our cabin headed back to the main lodge. There, we received an overview of the camp activities and were even able to pick certain activities we wanted to do. I was grateful for the option of choosing something I was specifically interested in so the weekend could be personalized for me. By the end of submitting our requests, it was time to eat. Every time we had a meal, I met new people from our entire district. Introducing myself became customary throughout Snowball, an amazing, normalized experience throughout the camp. 

The entire first day was full of activities. From building with PVC pipes, exploring the camp, and hanging out with friends, I enjoyed every second of Snowball. My favorite part of the first day was the nature walk I attended. Since the camp was located in a forest, beautiful scenery surrounded every activity of the weekend. Although cold weather raged throughout the environment, I enjoyed every aspect of the autumn atmosphere. The rest of the first day went by with more activities and team building exercises, which lasted until midnight. By lights out, my cabin mates and I were exhausted yet excited for the second day of Snowball. 

The following day brought more team building, motivational speakers, and outdoor activities. Since Snowball is a leadership based camp, teamwork was a priority throughout the weekend. I enjoyed every opportunity including the team escape rooms which were lots of fun. The motivational speakers provided information that everyone was able to take home and input into their lives, including how to deal with negative people and the importance of advocating for yourself. Each speaker was engaging with their speeches, a delightful aspect of the day. I also participated in several outdoor activities, my favorite being the camp's rock climbing event. 

With the conclusion of camp, I was grateful for all the people I met and information I learned about leadership. Each camper had a personalized bag set up, which allowed for other campers or staff to fill their bags with positive notes. From detailed thank you letters and general compliments, each individual left Snowball with written forms of positivity to take home. Each attendee felt like they succeeded with this year's motto of “Leafing their Mark” at camp. Overall, I genuinely enjoyed Snowball. The camp was an amazing experience, and I hope to become a teen staff member for the 2024 session! 

Although Snowball has concluded for the 2023 year, the camp will be returning for 2024! All are welcome to attend. So, what are you waiting for T-Bolts? Consider attending Operation Snowball!

Holiday Double-Crust Apple Pie Recipe

Danya Rihan
Staff Writer

One of the best desserts to make during this time of year is apple pie. This recipe is simple, yet delicious!


Pie Crust:

2 1/2 cups all-purpose flour

 1 teaspoon kosher salt

 1 teaspoon granulated brown sugar

 2 sticks very cold unsalted butter

 1/4 to 1/2 cup very cold water

Apple Pie Filling:

6 cups shredded apples

3/4 cup brown sugar 

1 tablespoon butter 

1 teaspoon ground cinnamon

1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract (optional)

Preparing the Dough

Filling & Baking


Honey Crisp apples are one of the best apples to use when making apple pie but if you want something tart, Granny Smith apples are the perfect choice. If both apples just aren’t the match for you, Braeburn apples are something to consider. Those apples are perfectly balanced, not too sweet and not too tart. The kind of apple you choose makes your pie unique, and there are many kinds of apples so I suggest you find one that works best to your liking. You may also swap out any ingredients that don’t work for you, however the outcome may be different. 

Tips for Navigating the New Semester

By Samir Kayed

Staff Writer

Hey there, T-Bolts! Are you eager to launch into the new term with an exciting start that will leave your mark? With a new semester on the horizon, here are some helpful hints to maximize your potential in the coming term as you prepare for a fresh beginning. Whether an experienced pupil or freshly welcomed into the fold, carefully considering these recommendations will aid any in overcoming both the stimulating tests and promising prospects that await.

Get Organized

Start the new semester on the right foot by getting organized. By maintaining a planner or calendar app to log crucial events, obligations, and opportunities outside the classroom, students can efficiently organize their various responsibilities. Staying organized will reduce stress and be better prepared for success.

Set Goals

During this semester, consider taking some time alone to thoughtfully contemplate your goals and ambitions for what you hope to accomplish. By establishing objectives that are distinct yet within reach, such as boosting one's marks, engaging with a fresh club, or cultivating a novel talent, you can feel both directed and driven to see your vision through, thereby finding intention and incentive in the pursuit.

Manage Your Time

Effective time management is key to balancing academics, extracurricular activities, and personal time. Create a schedule allowing dedicated study hours, breaks, and leisure activities. Remember, a well-balanced life leads to a successful semester.

Seek Help When Needed
Don't be afraid to ask for help when you need it. Whether it's reaching out to teachers, seeking tutoring, or connecting with classmates, there are plenty of resources available to support you along the way. Asking for help is a sign of strength, not weakness.

Stay Healthy

A successful semester starts with taking care of yourself. Make sure to prioritize your physical and mental well-being. Get enough sleep, eat nutritious meals, exercise regularly, and find healthy ways to manage stress.

Get Involved

Embrace the opportunity to get involved in school activities, clubs, and events. Building connections and creating meaningful experiences outside the classroom can enhance your overall school experience.

Stay Positive

Adopting a positive mindset can make a world of difference. Embrace each day with optimism, resilience, and a can-do attitude. Challenges will arise, but with the right mindset, you can overcome them and grow in the process.

As the semester unfolds, remember that every day is a chance to learn, grow, and make a positive impact. You've got this, T-Bolts! Let's make this upcoming semester one for the books.

"A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new." – Albert Einstein.

Winter Themed Activities

By Sandra Pala

Staff Writer

     The holidays are coming up, which sends excitement through the air! School is ending just around the corner, and Winter Break is near. Here are some winter activities that are fun and enjoyable to all ages!

Building a snowman - When there is enough snow, go outside and make a snowman! Dress it up and use your imagination to its fullest.

Ice skating - ‘Tis the season for ice skating! Bring your friends and family to the local ice rinks and enjoy the wonders of the ice.

Winter DIYs - Whether it be DIY snowflakes or DIY ornaments, there is always something to create with the help of Google. Just search up some fun winter crafts online and challenge yourself to see what you can create!

Bake cookies - End a night of exciting adventures with freshly baked cookies. Use recipes to bake delicious treats and decorate them with love.

Last Minute Holiday Gifts

By Sarina Mohammad

Staff Writer

The holiday season is a marvelous one, filled with delightful Hallmark movies, velvety, rich hot cocoa in festive mugs, and overall, a collective feeling of unity and utter contentment. However, with the amalgamated stress of scrutinizing over material you learned four months ago for finals and all the other nonsense you have to deal with on a daily basis, the thought of preparing gifts for loved ones may have exited the premises of your brain a long time ago, and it has returned seemingly far too late. Nevertheless, there are a plethora of sweet, meaningful gifts you can curate for your favorite homosapiens in a short amount of time, and I am ecstatic to tell you about some of them! 

Picture Frames

The necessary materials for this gift are merely a photo and a picture frame. I wholeheartedly believe that, although this gift is simple, it is very special. Photos are snapshots of memories, the embodiment of nostalgia, and have the ability to invoke so many unique emotions after being glanced at only once. You´re sure to touch someone's soul with this one!

Apple Airtags

These Apple Airtags are incredible! Once connected to a cellular device, you just have to attach it to whatever it is that you may be prone to misplacing, and you'll have that tracking data forever! Perfect for your friends who constantly have their heads in the clouds and lose their stuff often! These are $29 each and can also be engraved for free. Here's where you can find them:


These are just the perfect accessories for the winter season as they are practical, versatile, and snazzy. Here is a set of 3 for $9.95 on Amazon: 

Mini Paper Bouquet

These homemade paper creations are truly such a wholesome gift. All you need are various hues of small sheets of paper and a sprinkle of determination! Below is a tutorial on how to make them!

Affirmation Jar

All you need for this present are some strips of paper, rubber bands, and a mason jar. You can either design it based on a list of affirmations or you can curate it based on what you believe your loved one needs to be reminded of. When they're feeling down, they only need to unscrew a lid and unravel a piece of paper to see how cared for they truly are. This gift articulates a great deal of thought and is aesthetically pleasing! Here is a list of affirmations to help you get started:

Holiday Recipes

By James Abraham

Staff Writer

Ah, it’s that time of year again. Holiday lights are hung, holly’s dangling from doorsteps, pine trees standing high, proudly showing off messy decorations given to them by the children. But my favorite part of the holidays and any holiday season for that matter is the cooking. Cooking has been shown time and time again as a potent source of communion, from sharing secret recipes from generation to generation, holding a legacy of your ancestors, to simply baking with a loved one just to share the memories. Regardless of what you celebrate, or even if you celebrate, the holidays are held near and dear to everyone cause we all can come together on one thing: our love of food. What better way to celebrate a release from school and the start of a break than to learn some new recipes?

Scalloped Potatoes (Christmas Staple)




Preheat oven to 350 Degrees F.

Melt butter, garlic, and onion over medium low heat, till onions soften (3 minutes). Add flour and cook (1-2 minutes).

Reduce heat to low, combine milk and broth in a different bowl, and add a small amount at a time into the saucepan to make it thicker, add little by little, whisk till smooth.

After all the liquid is added, bring to a boil over medium heat, stirring constantly. Mix in salt and pepper, boil for a minute.

Grease a 9x13 baking dish, place a third of the potatoes on the bottom and season with salt and pepper, pour a third of the sauce on the top, continue the third layers of both.

Cover, bake for 45 minutes.

Uncover, bake for 35-45 minutes, broil for 3 to 4. Let rest for 15 minutes, and serve hot.

Challah (Hanukkah Staple)




In a large mixing bowl, dissolve yeast and a tablespoon of sugar in 1 ¾ Cup of lukewarm water.

Whisk oil in yeast, beat four eggs, one at a time, with remaining sugar and salt, and slowly add flour. When dough is able to hold together, start kneading (using a mixer with a hook can mix AND knead).

Flour a surface, and put the dough on there, clean the bowl, grease it, and return dough. Cover with plastic wrap and let rise in a warm place for an hour (in cold times like winter this might be difficult, so preheat your oven to 200 degrees, TURN IT OFF, and leave the bowl with the plastic cover and dough in it),

There are many types of braids you can do for a challah, I would definitely recommend a video, as just an article itself would be too difficult.

Place the braided loaves into a greased cookie sheet.

Beat the last egg, and brush it on the loaves, and let rise for another hour, preheat oven to 375 when it’s near time to end rising.

If using poppu/sesame seeds, decorate the bread with seeds.

Bake for 35-40 minutes, cool on a rack.

Chocolate Chip Cookies (no holiday, just fun!)


Materials Needed: 


Preheat oven to 375, line cookie sheet with parchment paper.

In a medium bowl, mix flour, baking soda, baking powder, and salt.

Beat butter and both sugars together until combined.

Beat eggs and vanilla for around a  minute.

Mix the dry ingredients in, gradually, till combined.

Add chocolate chips and mix well.

Roll 2-3 tablespoons (smaller or bigger cookies) into balls, and place spread on the cookie sheet.

Bake in oven for 8-10 minutes, when they’ve just started to turn brown.

Let it cool on the baking pan, transfer to cooling rack to fully cool.

College Football Playoffs

By Joseph Martello
Staff Writer

There has been a lot of discussion about the College Football Playoffs. This is due to Florida State not making the playoffs. Many people thought they should’ve got in and this has created a heated debate on why they didn’t make it. There are multiple teams in College Football, but only four can make playoffs. 

     The decision of who makes playoffs is based on a 13-member selection committee. The reason why many people are questioning why Florida State didn’t make the playoffs is because they went 13-0 and out of the four teams that did make the playoffs, two of them went 13-0, but two went 12-1. Michigan is ranked 1st at 13-0, Washington is ranked 2nd at 13-0, Texas is ranked 3rd at 12-1, and Alabama is ranked 4th at 12-1. FSU (Florida State University) is now the first undefeated power-conference champion to have been left out of the playoffs. 

     Supposedly, there are several reasons they didn’t make the playoffs according to the College Football Playoff selection committee protocol guidelines. A key reason, the CFP committee states is, “Unavailability of key players.” The committee was referring to Jordan Travis, the quarterback for Florida State. He suffered a bad lower leg injury in a game against North Alabama on November 18. Another reason the committee felt that Alabama deserved the playoff spot over Florida State was because Alabama beat the reigning national champion Georgia, and this elevated Alabama's position. The committee felt Alabama would have a better opportunity to win rather than FSU. Because Alabama won this crucial game, Georgia fell to 6th, and Texas got moved to the third seed becauseTexas beat Alabama earlier in the season.    Obviously, FSU was devastated when they found out they were excluded from the CFP. The quarterback tweeted out, “Devastated. heartbroken. In so much disbelief right now, I wish my leg broke earlier in the season so y’all could see this team is much more than the quarterback. I  thought results matter. 13-0 and this roster matches up across any team in those top 4 rankings. I am so sorry. Go Noles!” The players were very frustrated and heartbroken from this news.             

     Overall, FSU was excluded from the playoffs due to Alabama’s huge win over Georgia, the committee felt Alabama was the better overall team, and quarterback Jordan Travis came down with a season ending injury.