Unit 7: Evolution by Natural Selection

Weekly Syllabus

Click on the link to access the syllabus for that particular week. Within each syllabus you will find links to all activities for that week.

Week 16: 4/29/19 - 5/3/19

Week 17: 5/6/19 - 5/10/19

Week 18: 5/13/19 - 5/17/19

Learning Targets

Click the links below to review the progressions for each Learning Target discussed during this unit

Learning Target 37 - I can describe Darwin's theory of evolution by natural selection, including the observations that led to it and the evidence that supports it.

Learning Target 38 - I can list and explain the four requirements of natural selection and provide specific examples of natural selection in the modern world.

Learning Target 39 - I can determine if a population is evolving or in equilibrium and describe the mechanisms that are responsible.

Learning Target 40 - I can describe how reproductive isolation leads to speciation.


Use my presentation below to review topics from class or to prepare for class discussion as needed:


Answers to Various Assignments

Click on the links below to find answers to various assignments and compare your work to mine. If you have any questions after comparing, please do not hesitate to ask!

Useful Links

Here are links to various resources that may help you understand the topics discussed during this unit. If the links are no longer valid, please let me know so that I can update them. Thank you !

Bozeman Science - Evolution by Natural Selection

Bozeman Science - Evidence of Evolution

Bozeman Science - Microevolution

Bozeman Science - Macroevolution (Speciation)