JHHS Job & Volunteer Board

See which local companies are hiring!

Need community service hours? Look here!

Internship opportunities separate from the D214 Internship or Apprenticeship program.

Looking for other Events, Camps, Opportunities, etc. to explore different careers?

Click HERE to view a list maintained by the Northwest Education Counsel for Student Success (NECSS).


This site is provided as a service to our students to share opportunities that have been sent to us from local employers or organizations.  Please know that JHHS does not endorse or vet any of these postings. Students and parents should use due diligence when researching or applying for opportunities.

If you are an employer/organization looking to share a job, volunteer, or internship opportunity with our students, please send to Shannon Anne at shannon.anne@d214.org

STUDENTS! Need some resume or interview tips and resources? 

Click HERE!