Change The World


8th Grade - ELA

This page provides you with quality sources to help you create your infographic.

The databases also provide you with a fully formatted MLA citation. Do not forget to copy it into noodletools to help you avoid plagiarism! Use Edwin's School Database Citation Guide to help you locate the citation on each database.

If you need any assistance please stop by the library or contact Mrs. Rasmussen.


Global Issues in Context A collection of world wide viewpoints on various global issues, topics and current events.
Opposing Viewpoints Focuses on today's hottest social issues and provides both sides of the argument.
Science in ContextContinuously updated with reference content on today's most significant science topics.
Issues & ControversiesExplores hundreds of hot topics in politics, government, business, society, education, and popular culture. Presented in a balanced, pro/con format.
Science OnlinePresents a broad range of scientific disciplines through extensive essays, videos, diagrams, definitions, biographies, and experiments.
Newsela When citing newsela in Noodletools select website then newspaper. See school database guide for help.