World Languages

The goals of the World Languages Departments are to support students in communicating effectively in another language and in understanding the cultures that inform the languages. Students apply their knowledge and understanding of the languages studied through varied and authentic listening, reading, writing and speaking tasks, with an emphasis on communicating within and beyond the classroom setting.  It is through students’ use of another language and understanding of the unique cultures that students become global citizens. We encourage our students to take language for four years and to explore the personal and professional benefits languages can provide in their future.   

Department Chair Contact Information:

Grayslake Central - Dominique Geocaris,, (847)986-3300 x5540

Grayslake North - Valerie Padgett-Krause,, (847)986-3105

To translate the document below, open it in a new window by clicking anywhere on the document and clicking the icon that looks like the one pictured to the left.  When the new Google doc opens, click on Tools, Translate, choose a language, and click Translate document.Para traducir el documento a continuación, ábralo en una nueva ventana haciendo clic en cualquier parte del documento y haciendo clic en el icono que se parece al que se muestra a la izquierda. Cuando se abra el nuevo documento de Google, haga clic en Herramientas, Traducir, elija un idioma y haga clic en Traducir documento.
2024-2025 World Languages