
College Exploration Resources and Key Terms

Rule of thumb: when considering your college options, it is important to define what characteristics are most important to YOU. If considering supports, co-curriculars, and/or affinity spaces for students that identify as Asian American, make sure to look up a college’s policies and initiatives on equity and inclusion; multicultural student resource center; and/or listing of student-led organizations

Special Designations:

AANAPISI--Asian American and Native Pacific Islander-Serving Institution; Institutions receive additional government funding to provide resources and support to students; School has population of 10%+ Asian-identifying students

38 colleges including: UIC, Minnesota, UNLV; Maryland; University of  Massachusetts-Boston


APIA Scholarship--$2500-$20,000 scholarship (Multiple awarded)

InspirASIAN Scholarship--$1000-$2000 (Multiple awarded based on state/region)

Sampaguita Scholarship-Did not offer in 2020, 2021 due to pandemic, but likely to revisit in future