SHS Faculty


The purpose of this directory is for the SHS community to provide Patriots with a way to connect with one another over APIDA culture and identity. These faculty members offer themselves to the community as sources of allyship and information.

Aileen Aragones | She/Her

Stevenson Foundation

"I identify as 2nd Generation Filipina; Involved with several post-secondary resources for AAPI students"

Speaks: Still learning/novice Tagalog

Darshain Jain | He/Him


"I identify as an Indian man who is continually learning and delighting in the diversity of peoples' cultures and heritages from the sub-continent!"

Speaks: "English is dominant. I can understand Kannada with some help (I am no longer fluently conversant)."

Dean Bradshaw | He/him

Communication Arts

"I am an ally to colleagues, friends, and students."

Speaks: English

Dr. Marla Israel | She/Her

Student Learning Programs

"As a co-sponsor of FIRE club and as a ERD cadre facilitator, I am always trying to learn more about AAPI Identity to be an ally in this work."

Speaks: English

Jane Park | She/Her

Special Education

"I am second generation Korean, AAPI staff."

Speaks: English

Jennifer Arias | She/Her

Communication Arts

"I am Filipina. I have researched and taught Asian American Literature and scholarship."

Speaks: English and a bit of Spanish

Jim Barnabee | He/Him

Communication Arts

"I am an Adoptive Parent of two Vietnamese Children."

Speaks: English

Mark Patton | He/Him

Communication Arts

General Ally and Colleague

Speaks: English and minimal Spanish

Melissa Fainman | She/Her

Social Studies

General Ally and Colleague

Speaks: English

Raymundo Tad-y | He/Him

Information Services

"I'm a first generation Filipino American."

Speaks: conversational in Illongo (Hiligaynon)

Rebecca Pike de Oliveira | She/Her

World Languages/ELL

"I am the club sponsor of Japan Club."

Speaks: Spanish, Portuguese, and English

Sandy Lee | She/Her

Information Services

"I am a 1st generation Korean-American."

Speaks: English, conversational Korean