Fun Stuff!

Crazy Fun Facts
by Robbie Y., 7th grade

Copy of Crazy Fun Facts

Useful Websites You've Never Heard Of
by Robbie Y., 7th grade

Copy of Useful websites you never heard of

by Angelina R., 6th grade


About the Rock Band Called Queen
by Adelin B., 6th grade

Copy of About the rock band called Queen

Apocalypse Battle 1: the Attack
by Kyleigh A., 7th grade

A giant octopus busted out of the ground and started tormenting the village and throwing up ink all over the people. One smart kid got out his dagger from the hidden vault in the basement and stabbed the creature in the mouth causing it to die. The people worshiped him and crowned him king of the country for his bravery.

Roblox Should Bring Back the "OOF!"
by Shahmir A., 7th grade

There has been one of roblox’s worst updates where the oof sound got removed. That roblox death sound was pure nostalgia after having it after 5 years. This is also another reason why roblox is so famous. PLZ BRING BACK OOF!!!

Cooking Battles
by Crystal P., 6th grade

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