2022 Classroom Pilot Resources

Mindfulness Basics

Week 1

April 25th - 29th

Learn how to focus on the mind and body. Then, try it out with an exercise.

Week 2

May 2nd - 6th

For this quick stress reliever, try tensing and relaxing different muscles in the body.

Week 3

May 9th - 13th

Take a few minutes to center the class during a busy day.

Week 4

May 16th - 20th

Help your students check in with themselves by noticing how their body feels.

Body Scan Video

(1 Minute)

Body Scan Meditation

(1-3 Minutes)

Needs Assessment Data

Which Social/Emotional/Personal supports for students would you like to see most this year from counselors? Please pick up to three.


Headspace Mindfulness Training PowerPoint