Please contact Parrish Larkin at or 719-328-3609 for:
Information regarding new student enrollment
Work Permits
If you are in an emergency, please come directly to the counseling office or find the nearest adult.
Attendance Interventions
Tier 1:
Encourage students to come to school everyday
Attendance awareness posters
Attendance is taken daily
Follow the IEP/504 accommodations and modifications
Parents are notified of student absences daily
Parents are given support in reporting absences
Parents are instructed on how to set up PowerSchool account
Resources/supports are made available to parents
Parent Academies
Monthly perfect attendance rewards
Built in snack time
20 Days Starting Strong
Teachers greet students at the door by name
CHS extracurricular activities
3-week reflection with Champion
Semester attendance reward
Celebrate the "WINS" everyday
Student voice panel
Weekly data review of attendance
Parent contact
Transportation support
Tier 2:
Continue Tier 1 Interventions
EWI/MTSS Mtg with student, parents, and admin
Conduct root cause assessment
Create SMART Goals to improve attendance
Maintain family contact
Individual student progress monitoring (EWI/MTSS)
Attendance restorative circles or connection circles
Make referrals for any needed supports/services
Specialized supports offered (tutoring, human resources, housing, etc.)
Provide information regarding transportation
Check in and connect with TBD adult
Attendance contract
Prioritize assignments
Referral to New Horizons
Tier 3:
Continue Tier 1 and Tier 2 interventions
Revisit EWI/MTSS plan
Revisit root causes
Explicitly explain to student and family academic and legal consequences of poor attendance
Family conference to coordinate community resources/services
Ensure positive, consistent contact with family
Wake-up calls
Pre-drop letter
Home visit
Initiate truancy process
Behavior Interventions
Tier 1:
Encourage students to come to school every day
Foster positive student/teacher relationships
Follow the IEP/504 accommodations and modifications
Restorative practices and connection circles
3-week check-ins with Student Champion
Resources/supports are made available to parents
20 Days Starting Strong
Social emotional learning activities
Positive phone calls home
Creating equity in the classroom
School-wide expectations
Clear classroom expectations and procedures
Peer partner in classroom
AVOID power struggles
Positive redirection
Built in snack time
CHS extracurricular activities
Student voice panel
6-week data review of behavior referrals
Parent contact
Active listening
Affective (”I”) statements/questions
Provide positive and specific feedback
Utilize prompts and reminders
Provide timed brain breaks
Tier 2:
Continue Tier 1 interventions
EWI/MTSS mtg with student, parents, and admin
Conduct root cause assessment
Create SMART goals to improve behavior
Maintain family contact
Individual student progress monitoring (EWI/MTSS)
Establish a cool down or refocus area in the class
Establish a break time and time to move
Physical arrangement in classroom
Schedule change
Set clearly defined limits
Positive reinforcement plan with TBD adult
Restorative circles or connection circles
Make referrals for any needed supports/services
Specialized supports offered (tutoring, human resources, housing, etc.)
Check-in and Connect with TBD adult
Detention (lunch/after school)
Connect students to mentors
Mediation/conflict resolution
Meet with admin
Behavior contract
Support group referral
Tier 3:
Continue Tier 1 and Tier 2 interventions
Revisit EWI/MTSS plan
Revisit root causes
Detention (lunch/after school)
Administrative referrals
No pass list
Referral to mental health care
IEP referral
SRO welfare check
Referral to district behavior interventionist
Coursework Interventions
Tier 1:
Encourage students to come to school everyday
Follow the IEP/504 accommodations and modifications
Enrollment in more challenging courses
Tutoring and academic support
Resources/supports are made available to parents
Parent Academies
20 Days Starting Strong
Creating equity
Identify timelines, due dates, start and finish times, etc. for students
Built in snack time
Built-in catch-up/enrichment days in content areas
Edge Advisory weekly grade check
3-week reflection for success with Champion
Champion calls home to discuss grades and missing assignments
Classroom expectations and procedures posted
Extra-curricular activities
Student voice panel
6-week data review and comparison of grades
Parents are instructed on how to set up PowerSchool
Enroll in study hall
Learning lab referral
Help Center referral
Writing lab referral
Parent contact
Tier 2:
Continue Tier 1 Interventions
EWI/MTSS Mtg with student and parents
Conduct root cause assessment
Create SMART Goals to improve course performance
Set specific, personal coursework goals
Differentiated instruction strategies
Extended time/small group testing
Check-in and connect with TBD adult
Make referrals for any needed supports/services
Specialized supports offered (tutoring, human resources, housing, etc.)
Opportunity to make-up or re-do work
Opportunity to test for mastery
No Zero policy
Establish due dates and timelines for assignments
Frequent checks on long-term assignments/projects (chunking)
Accommodations to assignments
Accommodations to lesson presentation
Testing accommodations
Enroll in Gradpoint
Enroll in summer school
Preferential seating in classroom
Schedule change
Tier 3:
Continue Tier 1 and Tier 2 Interventions
Revisit EWI/MTSS Plan
Revisit root causes
IEP referral
504 referral
Student tutor