Todd Geomicrobiology Research Lab

E.A.G.L.E.S (Ethical Advancement Group: Laboratory of Environmental Sciences)

Wendy F. Todd (Smythe), Ph.D.

K'ah Skáahluwaa

Assistant Professor

American Indian Studies



Office Location

1123 University Drive

Cina Hall 110F

Duluth, MN 55812

Lab located in Chemistry Room 347

Associate Editor Journal of Geoscience Education

Chair of UMD Community Editoral Board

Courses Taught

Department of American Indian Studies

  • TRES 5100 Foundations of Indigenous Environmental Systems & Worldviews

  • TRES 5201 Integrated Ecosystesms I

  • TRES 5202 Integrated Ecosystesm II

  • TRES 5400 Directed Project Seminar

  • TRES 5994 Tribal natrual Resource Stewarship Directed Project

Department Earth & Environmental Sciences

  • ESCI 3201 Mineral Resources

  • GEO 4095 Geobiology


Naoto Tozaki, M.S. Biochemisty student, research focus is on characterizing the genes and mechanisms on manganese oxidation in hot spring environments.

Arianna, Northbird

Fond du LacM.S. student in the Master of Tribal Resource and Environmental Stewarship Program (, Department of American Indian Studies at UMD.


Ya'áats River

Lotic to marine iron-carbonate system in Southeast Alaska

Purple Pool & Queen's Laundry

Yellowstone National Park research examing manganese and silica systems

Xáadas Geoscience

Geoscience research and education in Southeast Alaska

F.I.E.L.D. Institute

The Fieldwork Inspiring Expanded Leadership for Diversity project strives to make field activity in the geosciences more accessible and inclusive by equipping field leaders with perspectives and skills to recognize and reduce barriers in field settings.

Ya'áats River

Located in Southeast Alaska on the tribal lands of the Haida people, Ya'áats River is a lotic to marie iron and carbonate depositing ground water system characterized by numerous cold springs.


Geomicrobiolgy & Microbial Ecology

Climate Impacts

Geoscience Education

Purple Pool & Queen's Laundry

Located in Yellowstone National Park, these two hot springs are characterized by the deposition of purple manganese oxides and silica minerals.


Research examining the microibal diversity, metaboism and bioiflm formation in manganese and silica depositing hot springs.


Research examining the fomation of microfossils in manganese and silica depositing hot springs

Purple Pool Hot Spring

Purple Pool is a small manganese deposing hot sprling locatd in the lower geysr basin.

Queen's Laundry Hot Spring

Queen's Laundry is a high temperature silica depositing hot spring located in lower geyser basin.


Smythe, W.F. and Peele, S.S. (2021). The (un)discovering of ecology by Alaska Native ecologists.

Smythe, W.F., Hammack, R., and Brown Clarke, J. (2020). Native Perscpectives about Clupling Indigneous Traditional Knoweldge with Western Science in Geoscience Education from a Focus Group Study.

Pitra, C, Kolonich, A., Smythe, W.F., and Tyler, Q. (2020). Honoring the Whole Student Workbook: Developing Space for Native American Studetns in STEM by Supporting Complex Identities.

Indigenous geoscientists reflect on inclusivity in academia.

Smythe, W.F. (2017). Scanning Electron Microscopy Techniques For Preservation and Observation of Microbe-Mineral Assemblages and Biominerals. PostDoc Journal, Vol. 5, No. 11. Novembrer 2017.

Smythe, W.F. Hugo, R.C., and McAllister S. (2017). Incorporation of Traditional Knowledge Into Geoscience Education: An Effective Method Of Native American Instruction. Journal of Sustainability Education May 2014.

Smythe, W.F. (2017). Morphological Characterization of Bacteriogenic Manganese Oxides From Three Model Manganese (II/III) Oxidizing Bacterial Species. PostDoc Journal, Vol. 5, No. 3, March 2017,

Smythe W.F., McAllister S.M., Hager K.W., Hager K.R., Tebo B.M. and Moyer C.L. (2016) Silica Biomineralization of Calothrix-Dominated Biofacies from Queen's Laundry Hot-Spring, Yellowstone National Park, USA. Front. Environ. Sci. 4:40. doi: 10.3389/fenvs.2016.00040.

Hugo, R. C., Cady, S. L., & Smythe, W. (2011). The role of extracellular polymeric substances in the silicification of calothrix: Evidence from microbial mat communities in hot springs at Yellowstone National Park, USA. Geomicrobiology Journal, 28(8), 667-675.

Shipworm Project

Bioassessment study of a costal ecosystem using shipworms.

Environmetal Geoscience

Pre-college and undergraduate geoscience research.

First Foods and Traditional Plants

Community project examining the ecosystem in wich first foods and traditonal plants are gathered.

Healthy Ecosystems Project

Pre-college students examine the health of multiple rivers using bioassessment and environmental chemistry.

The No Time For Silence call to action is led by a group of advocates and scholars committed to achieving greater inclusion and equity across the science and technology enterprise. This requires collaboration across disciplines, institutions, organizations, and constituencies.

We stand with activists working against anti-Black and anti-People of Color police violence and racialized political, social, and economic exclusion. We stand with those active in the fight against medical and healthcare apartheid. We likewise stand in solidarity with advocates of anti-racism and exclusion in STEM and, in particular, those calling for an end to systemic racism in the geoscience community. We seek alliances with and support from the multitudes of passionate faculty, students, and other stakeholders who have publicly condemned the racism that plagues our society and our profession.