2021 Photo Contest

Each year we have a photo contest showcasing our student's study abroad photos from all around the world. The time has come to display to top 6 photos in our categories: Culture, Places, and Selfie. We also had a few students submit images documenting the pandemic with their abrupt departure from their study abroad experience last spring.

We'll announce the winner of this year's contest at the end of our Sneak Peek Week on Friday, March 26!

2021 Winner!

Lake District Friend

While climbing the mountain Cat Bells in the Lake District of England my flat mate and I came upon this handsome new friend. Photo: Medori Marble

Places Category

Photos in this category are to showcase anything from nature's beauty to scenic panoramas, local city-scapes, monuments, architecture, or your favorite point of interest.

Culture Category

Photos in this category are to portray the country's local culture. It can range from traditions, local people, local scenes, fairs, holidays, celebrations, festivals or other activities that showcase the country’s culture!

Selfie Category

Pretty selfie-explanatory, but a selfie or photo of the student in a unique location abroad.

Documenting the Pandemic Abroad

We were interested in seeing photos that may portray how the emerging pandemic affected our student's study abroad experience. We recognize it was early on, but were interested in seeing photos of how the pandemic was being handled in various locations. What safety precautions were set in place? Were people wearing masks? Do you have images capturing your travel journey home? Crowded airports? What was the last day in the country like? We’re looking for anything that tells the story of your unique experience, being sent home due to the global pandemic.