
As we go about our daily lives, we are constantly making and testing hypotheses: a family of three can survive on a graduate fellowship (yes, it can), if a research manuscript is very strong, it can get accepted at a quality journal without a revision (no, it hasn’t happened to me yet), and three layers of warm clothing should be sufficient to prevent frostbite while I shovel my driveway in 25 below at 6:00 AM (well, it depends on what those three layers are).

As a research scholar, I consider myself fortunate that I get to articulate and test hypotheses in my professional life as well. My research training is primarily in experimental and quantitative methodologies. I have worked with archival data, syndicated panel data, and data from lab studies. I believe in collaborating with others and have partnered with more than 30 scholars on various research studies. I have over a hundred scholarly and trade publications to my credit.

Here are links to my Google Scholar and ResearchGate profiles.

For more details on my research, please click here.