New Faculty Member

Welcome to Dwight-Englewood, and welcome to your new computer.

This page contains a series of video lessons to help you get your computer configured properly and help you understand how the Dwight-Englewood network is set up. 

Each video is short, and we ask you to watch all of them under the Setup and Orientation sections below. There are questions embedded in some of them for you to answer as an understanding check.

Getting Help:

New faculty are asked to setup their computer prior to the scheduled orientation time so you have a working computer to bring to orientation. Computer Services staff will be available to answer questions during orientation week. For MS and LS teachers also receiving an iPad, you can do the iPad setup at your convenience.

If you run into technical trouble, you can stop by the Taub Center on the second floor of the Imperatore Library or call the Computer Services Help Desk at 201-227-3177 Monday through Friday, from 8:00 AM to 4:00.  You may also email with a specific question or to make an appointment to get assistance. Finally, you can also browse a collection of help documents at

Mac Laptop Setup and Training for New Faculty and Staff

Setup time required for Setup 1 to 5 below is 30-60 minutes. (15-45 minutes of that is automatic/unattended and duration depends on your Internet connection speed.)  Total Lesson time after that for the Orientation Introductions is about 30 minutes.

START HERE Setup 1 -- Initial Setup (6:08)

Setup continued

-- Please complete all setup lessons above in order before picking from the lessons below. --

Orientation Introductions

Click to see the lesson list. Setup 6 is required before you can print on-campus. Lesson 7 is highly recommend for all who have not used Blackbaud LMS (what we call MyDE) at a previous school.

More Information

iPad setup for New Faculty

Go to New Faculty iPad Setup