What is the Cynffig Student Parliament?

Watch the clip below to find out a how you can get involved.

Student Parliament - Coming to Cynffig 2020

The Student Parliament was formed in 2014 as a way to improve the level of pupil voice in Cynffig. Members of the Parliament are voted in by fellow pupils in their year group. To be elected pupils have the opportunity to write a manifesto and campaign amongst their classmates. Pupils from all year groups also get to vote for a Year 12 pupil to become the Chairperson of the Student Parliament, a role which points the Student Parliament in the direction it will be going in the year ahead. The Student Parliament is a great way of providing pupils the opportunity to voice their opinions to staff members and also to adopt leadership positions at the school. The Student Parliament provides pupils with a route to get to know other students from all different year groups and also to make new friendships with peers in their year group as they work together in a team. The Student Parliament provides pupils with an opportunity to engage with members of our community and further afield such as the Children’s Commissioner for Wales and also the Mayor of Bridgend. The Student Parliament provides pupils with experiences and opportunities that other pupils may not have had, it is a good way for children to develop their skills of leadership, communication and team work.