Attendance at school, in lessons, is everything. It is the access to learning, it is the building of confidence, it is the proven foundation of success. Research has shown that for every half-day missed per week (it might not sound much, but it is 10%, and that’s the equivalent of 18 days a year) there is a significant impact on pupils’ achievement. Only 35% of pupils who miss between 10 and 20% of school achieve 5 A* - C grades at GCSE. Or, to look at it another way, each 10% absence lowers pupils’ results by at least a grade.

For those pupils who miss only 5% of their time at school, 73% will achieve those 5 A* - C grades. It really is that dramatic. Think of it like this: a pupil who misses that half-day a week is going to miss half a YEAR between Year 7 and Year 11.