Class 9 / Dosbarth 9
Croeso i Dosbarth 9
Autumn Term
Our Concepts
Belonging Identity Friendship
Things for you to know about the Year 3 and Class 9, this term:
English focus: We will be focusing on the Roald Dahl book 'Matilda.' Some of the work that the children will be producing over the Autumn term is character and setting descriptions and a newspaper report.
Math focus: This term we will focus on number. We will look at reading and writing numbers, partitioning, odd and even numbers and addition and subtraction. Please ensure that children are learning their times tables at home.
Topic: Our topic this term is 'Community' . We are sure that the pupils will love discovering the history of our local area. It's a topic that encompasses a wide range of AOLEs such as Expressive Arts, Humanities, Mathematics, Language, Health and Well-being and STEM and will awaken curiosity though lots of time spent investigating our community past and present. We will be focusing on Schools in the community as we are going to be a part of the Welsh Heritage Award celebrating the bicentennial of Cyfarthfa Castle. In particular we will be looking at when the Castle used to be a High School.
Welsh: Alongside daily Helper Heddiw questions/phrases and Criw Cymraeg sessions, this term we will look at the weather and hobbies.
Some phrases we will be using is:
Mae hi'n...
Roedd hi'n...
Dw i'n hoffi..
Dw I ddim yn hoffi...
Dw i'n gallu...
Dw i ddim yn gallu...
Health and Well-being: This is at the heart of our work. It is key to ensure all children are happy and safe coming to school and are happy while they are with us. For our weekly PE sessions, on Tuesday, we are focusing on footwork for this term, in particular balancing and different footwork patterns. During our wellbeing sessions we will be looking at 'Being me in my world' It is based around setting ourselves goals and celebrating difference.
Please remember that
we are always here for you
and if you need to contact me you can at:
Mr Pinch
Here are some useful links for your children to use at home.
Your child will have log in details for Purple Mash, Giglets and Oxford Reading Buddy.
Oxford Owl -
Giglets -
Epic Reading-
Times Table Rock stars-
Number Rock -
Prodigy -
Cosmic Kids Yoga -
Useful information
P.E day for pupils of Class 9 is Tuesday. Please send your child into school WEARING their PE kit in order to minimise bags and other items being brought to school. Correct PE kit must be worn ( A red or navy top with navy bottoms)
Homework given: Friday Returned: the following Friday
All homework will at present be given through google classroom (all children are logged into it and can access it from home) If there are any issues in regards to accessing internet at home, please let me know and we can sort a paper copy.
All homework will at present be given through google classroom (all children are logged into it and can access it from home) If there are any issues in regards to accessing internet at home, please let me know and we can sort a paper copy.
Reading books:
Please ensure your child reads at home regularly and brings in their reading books and reading records with comments, in order for us to change frequently and appropriately to your child's reading progress.
Hi all, my name is Mr Pinch and I am the class teacher within Dosbarth 9, and I'm luckily working with the amazing pupils in
Year 3 every day.
I massively enjoy teaching, always have, for me it really is my dream job.
When not teaching I spend time with my family or helping out within my local rugby club and golf club.
If I get a little free time I love cycling, running, mountain walking or taking breaks in my caravan, away chasing the sun!