
As undergraduates, every man of Delta Upsilon will experience three of our rituals: Induction, Initiation, and Officer Installation. The brothers of the Western Reserve Chapter take great pride in performing these ceremonies with the solemnity they deserve and, as members of a non-secret fraternity, welcome any and all who wish to be in the audience for these events. The chapter also publishes live streams of each semester's Initiation on its Facebook page for the whole world to see.


Induction is the beginning of the 8-week Associate Member period for aspiring members of the fraternity. During this ceremony, the incoming Associate Members are told the expectations of membership in DU and are given an introduction to the rich history of the fraternity. Each incoming Associate Member then signs the chapter honor code, indicating that they have promised to uphold the expectations stated therein and understand the expectations of the life-changing journey on which they are about to embark. Induction also marks the first time that the Associate Members can wear the Associate Member pin and begin wearing Delta Upsilon apparel. The ceremony is held at the beginning of the 4th week of classes each semester.


One of the most momentous occasions of each semester for the chapter, Initiation is where the Associate Members become full members of the fraternity. Consisting of two Rites, the Associate Members are given time to reflect on what they have learned in Associate Member Education and to realize that the oath that they are to take has its roots in the establishment of the fraternity more than 180 years ago. They, along with all those in attendance, are given a "charge" by a distinguished DU alumnus before the oath is taken by the Associate Members. Upon declaration of their membership in the fraternity, the new members are given full voting rights and privileges and are awarded the member badge. Not a single second of Initiation is private, secret, or otherwise not available for public scrutiny. To be otherwise would be a gross violation of our founding principles and existence as a non-secret fraternity.

The Delta Upsilon Oath of Initiation

"I, (here shall be inserted the full name of the candidate), of my own free will and accord, in the presence of God and of these witnesses, do hereby solemnly declare that the principles of this Fraternity as they have been explained to me accord entirely with my own views; and I solemnly promise that as a member of this Fraternity I will faithfully adhere to those principles, endeavoring in every way to perfect myself morally, intellectually, and socially, and endeavoring also to act towards others according to that high standard of conduct required by the Fraternity.

I solemnly promise that I will be loyal to the Delta Upsilon Fraternity and to this Chapter, abiding by their rules, discharging my obligations to them faithfully, and using all honorable means to promote their interests.

I solemnly promise that I will share with my brothers the duties of my chapter; that I will uphold and encourage them in all that is honorable and right; that I will ever extend to each brother the right hand of sympathy; and that at all times and in all circumstances I will endeavor to cultivate those sentiments which should ever exist between brothers.

All this I solemnly promise upon my honor, without any equivocation, mental reservation, or secret evasion of mind whatsoever."

Officer Installation

Officer Installation bookends each fall semester and serves to swear in the new executive board for the coming calendar year. This ceremony allows the chapter to give pause to those whom they have elected and for those officers to formally assume the duties of their office. All members of the chapter are eligible for every executive board position (assuming they are not graduating in the following 12 months) and there are many chair positions available outside of the major executive board roles for those who desire to serve the chapter in a less time-intensive manner.

The executive board consists of a President and Vice Presidents of:

  • External Relations

  • Membership Education

  • Loss Prevention

  • Recruitment

  • Academic Excellence

  • Finance

  • Service

  • Administration

The Ritual Book

Being non-secret, we can share our ritual book with the entire world! Check it out!

Delta Upsilon Ritual Book.pdf