EdTech Tutorials

Browse through the tutorials we've compiled for you below. We are continuing to build a robust collection of tutorials that address your Ed Tech needs. If there is a particular tutorial that you would like us to compile, feel free to contact us anytime.

G Suite for Education is a powerful group of Google applications that can be used in a variety of different situations in the classroom. Google Classroom can help you build a digital workflow environment. Google Drive and the accompanying Google Docs, Slides, Sheets, and Forms can be a great way to collaborate and stay organized. Google Sites, which is the platform used for this Ed Tech website, is an amazing tool for sharing information to students, parents, and colleagues. To learn more about these Google applications check out the G Suite Training Portal.

How to create your movie using Adobe Spark Video.

Adobe Spark Video.mp4

This tutorial has GIFs embedded that demonstrate the use of Adobe Spark Video including how to incorporate the various themes, layout and other creative features.

Adobe Spark: Step-by-Step Guide