
In these uncertain times, it is important to take care of ourselves and take care of our children.

If your child's program has been able to connect with your family through zoom or google hangouts, please continue with those valuable social opportunities.

If your child's program has been unable to to provide distance learning opportunities, you may find this curriculum section helpful. Our hope is that you will use the sample daily routine and the suggested weekly activities as jumping off points, and only if you want to.

Your child will continue to thrive and learn simply by having meaningful interactions and conversations with you.

If you do choose to follow the suggested activities you will notice that they require minimal materials and do not require technology.

The Optional Online Curriculum page does have links to some online opportunities, if that is of interest to you.

While we move to remote learning, let's continue to remember that play is the work of children!

With Allen Brook School Librarian, Ms. Clopton. You'll want to check this out!