Champlain Valley School District

Charlotte Hinesburg Shelburne St. George Williston CVU

COVID Recovery / ARP ESSER Plans

CVSD schools have re-opened for the 2021-2022 school year following the guidelines provided by the Vermont Agency of Education. Vermont school districts are working to meet the needs of all students, especially after a pandemic year. We were required to create a Recovery Plan for the Vermont Agency of Education for approval. CVSD is calling this our Strategic Response Plan.

The Vermont Agency of Education (AOE) defines “education recovery” as mitigating the impact of this pandemic on the academic, social, and emotional well-being of our students.

These three focus areas are further defined, by CVSD on this page.

  1. Social-Emotional Learning

  2. Student Engagement

  3. Academic Achievement and Success

Overview of the Recovery Process:

1. Assessing need at the local level, using readily available information and data

2. Creating an action plan to meet that local need

3. Executing initial implementation of the action plan

4. Tuning and refining the plan over time

CERT (COVID Educational Response Team)

CVSD has established a COVID Educational Response Team. (CERT) Sarah Crum, Director of Learning and Innovation, is the Response Coordinator.

Other members of CERT include:

Anna Couperthwait (CVSD) Tony Moulton (CVSD) Jensa Bushey (CVSD) Caitlin Bianchi (ABS/WCS) Jocelyn Bouyea (SCS/CVSD)

Kathleen Legg (HCS/CVSD) Robyn Suarez (SCS/CVSD) Evan Sivo (CVSD) Monica Carter (CVU) Devon Morrill (SCS)

Needs Assessment (Phase I)

All Vermont school districts were asked to complete a Needs Assessment by April 15th. That can be found in our Recovery Plan. This does not reflect information about additional end-of-year assessments that may have been administered. That data will be added to the Needs Assessment later this summer.

Planning (Phase II)

We worked with our needs assessment and created goals and strategies to meet the Vermont Agency of Education's focus areas. This Strategic Response Plan (Phase II) was submitted and approved by the AOE.

Implementation (Phase III)

CVSD's Response Plan implementation began in the summer of 2021 and continued throughout the 2021-2022 school year. It was updated and revised during the year, as needed. This revision was submitted to the AOE in the spring of 2022. (approved at the end of June 2022)


Please see this page on this site for more information about ESSER and the associated funding that will support much of the work in CVSD.

Please visit the CVSD Recovery & ARP ESSER Plans page for more information and to complete a survey after viewing this video.