CVSD Recovery & ARP ESSER Plans

CVSD has developed a number of plans in response to the impact of COVID-19 on our educational system. These include the state-required CVSD Recovery Plan and the federally-required ARP ESSER Spending Plan. We have appreciated all the feedback and input we received on the Recovery Plan and now welcome your input and feedback on our ARP ESSER plan.

Video: Narrated Slides



We worked with our needs assessment and created goals and strategies to meet the Vermont Agency of Education's focus areas. This Strategic Response Plan was submitted and approved by the AOE. (summer 2021)

CVSD's Response Plan implementation began in the summer of 2021 and continued throughout the 2021-2022 school year. It was updated and revised during the year, as needed. This revision was submitted to the AOE in the spring of 2022. (approved at the end of June 2022)