HSS Shlokas and Policies


Fall Semester Shlokas


Spring Semester Shlokas

HSS Policies:

1. SCHOOL HOURS: Hours are from 11:00 AM until 12:30 PM. Please bring your child on time at 10:45 AM, and pick up your children in front of the main hall or from their classrooms (presently does not apply due to the COVID-19 pandemic).

2. NEW STUDENTS: Students that are 4+ can join HSS and start with their respective age groups

3. HSS certification and LEADERS IN TRAINING (LIT) program eligibility: In order to receive HSS certification and to participate in LIT program, students should have attended HSS for 5 years.

4. ATTENDANCE: Students are expected to attend regularly in order to graduate.

5. HOMEWORK: Students are encouraged to complete homework on time in order to get credit to graduate to next group in the following year.

6. GRADUATING to the next class: Teachers will determine qualifying students who will be moved to next group based on attendance, homework, behavior. If a student discontinues and returns back to HSS, he/she has to re-join the group\class that they dropped out of. Graduating to next group\class will occur yearly.

7. HSS Library – A non-refundable cash Deposit of $5 is required to check out the books from the school library. (does not apply due to the COVID-19 pandemic).

8. DRESS CODE: Casual clothing is recommended. We do have YOGA sessions, so children are asked to wear appropriate, comfortable clothing.

9. BOOKS: Each child is encouraged to bring in suggested books and materials.

10. DISCIPLINE: Students are expected to follow school rules. Teachers will make students aware of rules on the first day of class. Parents are asked to support us in our efforts.

11. SICKNESS: Please do not send your child to the class if he/she is not feeling well. Notify your class teacher.

12. ALLERGY AWARENESS: Due to high allergy in students for nuts, fruits and vegetables, sharing of snacks with other class students is not permitted. (presently does not apply due to the COVID-19 pandemic).

13. GUEST POLICY: Students, who are not enrolled in our school, are welcome in classes occasionally during the year, provided arrangements are made with the teacher.

14. VOLUNTEERS: Please contact teachers if you would like to help and share your creativity/talent.

15. PARENT OBSERVATION OF CLASSES: Parent’s help in Pre-K & Kg class is appreciated. Parents of older children are allowed to sit in and observe and help the class. If you are curious to know what your children learnt; ask them or their teacher at the end of the class.

16. EVENTS: We will invite parents and family members to attend special occasions and activities planned by teachers and students. For some HSS sponsored events, snacks and gifts for graduation will be given to HSS registered students only. (presently does not apply due to the COVID-19 pandemic).