Current yearbook Editors and Staff

Head editor and Photography Editor 

Apart of 2022 to 2023 yearbook team continuing on. 2023 to 2025.

Wyatt Remick

"I did yearbook 2022 to 2023 and my passion really grew. I worked as hard as i could last year. Working in and outside of school, day and night. I even dedicated many holidays and weekends to getting as much done. Being given the title of 'yearbook MVP'. My passion continues to grow and i want to contiune to show it through the yearbooks we make for you!"

Co-Head Editor & Captioning editor 

Apart of 2022 to 2023 yearbook team continuing on. 2023 to 2025.

Joyce Xu 

"I joined yearbook because I wanted to contribute to this team effort for the school."

Marketing Editor 

Not an official team member but help and continuing on. 2023 to 2025.

Soph DeMiguel

"I joined yearbook because I wanted to be more active in the high school community. I think the yearbook is a great way to feel connected in the school."

Design Editor 

Apart of 2022 to 2023 yearbook team continuing on. 2023 to 2025.

Angie Deng 

"I joined yearbook because I thought it'll be interesting to make a book for the whole school, where i can make some contribution to our school community."

Photo Journalism teacher 

Jessica Porter, advisor 2019-present

Photography and website design was always a hobby of mine outside of my career field I pursued in college. In yearbook, I have an opportunity to teach young people some of my passions and help to show them all the ways they can be creative. As a CTE class, I feel like yearbook is a great class to learn some valuable soft skills too like time management, communication (both written and verbal) and confidence in who each student is and the impact they can have in their school, in their communities and in the world. It is true that you should "Be the change you want to see in the world."

Join Yearbook- Palladium 2023-24.MOV

2023 to 2024 Yearbook recruitment video

Yearbook is a great program and class to join! You get a lot of life experiences in different things like Photography, Interviewing your peers on campus, Creative and Interactive Writing skills and so much more! Not only is Yearbook a really fun class to take but it also completes some credits for you along the way. For first year, yearbook students it gets your CTE credits out of the way quick and easy! If you choose to keep doing yearbook it will give your elective credits. 

There are many doors yearbook opens for you! 

Join the CVHS Yearbook!

2023 to 2024 class Seniors quotes

Question: Why did you choose to join yearbook?

Zoe Lin 2024 graduate

"I wanted to join yearbook because it is something I have always wanted to try but never got the chance to. I also enjoy working with a team & capturing our school's memories. The rest of the staff is also really fun to work with!" 

Aidan Blabock 2024 graduate

"It seemed interesting."

Jesse Bystedt 2024 graduate

"I joined yearbook for the credits and it sounded like the most fun option."

Season Liang 2024 graduate 

"I thought it'd be a cool class to take my senior year considering I've never really been involved in school activates."

Natalie Gonsalves 2024 graduate

"I joined yearbook because I wanted to take a fun class my senior year. I also wanted to experience what a yearbook class was like and working with other students who were also interested in the class"

Emma Dugan 2024 graduate

"I joined YB because I wanted to combine my skill in graphic design and photography."

Lily  2024 graduate

"I joined yearbook because i wanted to be more involved in school activates and meet some new people."

Yolin Wong 2024 graduate

"I joined yearbook because I wanted to bring my ideas and interview others for this years yearbook. I belive everyone should have the chance to be in the yearbook."

Class of 2025 Quotes from Yearbook Staff

Brandon Lee

"I wanted to join yearbook because it looked like a fun class + its CTE."

Joselyne Hernandez Morfin

"I joined because my counselor told me to take a 0 period."

Queenie Liang

"I joined yearbook in hopes of improving photography and design skills."

Elenora Layne

"I was curious how the yearbook works & wanted to try something new."

Hazel Chen

I joined the yearbook because I think it's really fun to go around and take pictures of events and also because I did it in 8th grade and enjoyed it. 

Magaly Ortiz 

"I thought it would be a fun class with what to complete my CTE."

Jazlyn Tandel

"I wanted to take a 0 period and i like taking photos."

Jillian Epitacio

"This class would be a fun and challenging experience. I also wanted to meet new people. Taking photos and designing was also an interest for me."

Ash Ahmad

I joined yearbook because wyatt asked me to join and i wanted to contribute in making it. Its cool taking photo's that will represent students at the school and to showcase those memories. I like being apart of the yearbook community."

Class of 2026 Quotes from Yearbook Staff

Dasha K

"I wanted to join because I like to design stuff. 

Ada Huang 

"To have a fun class and be able to connect with other people."

Dylan Keffer

" I joined yearbook because I wanted to contribute to the yearbook.

Dunya Odetallah

"I enjoyed taking pictures and designing something."

April Sung 

"I wanted to join yearbook because it seemed like a good class to take and seemed nice."

Dasha B

"I joined yearbook because i wanted to learn how to take photo's/use a camera and to improve my skills of talking to people. I enjoy also making creative spreads which is a whole lot of what we do!!"


"I did yearbook in 7th and 8th grade & I really enjoyed it, so i was really sad when i didn't know how to join in 9th grade. I met my best friend in yearbook and it lowkey changed my life."

Bernice Huang

"I joined yearbook so I could see the 'behind the scenes' work and how the yearbook is made."

Melissa Huang

"I wanted to try out new things such as photography & journaling & because i wanted a 0 period.

Sammy Huang 

"I joined yearbook because I could explore designing spread and further my knowledge of writing."

Cherish Baldwin

"I just wanted to try something different it was better because I'm helping my school in a way." 

Honorary Yearbook Members

Ava  Thomas

2024 Graduate 

Maggie Wilmott 

2024 Graduate