Welcome to 2020-2021

I am so glad you are in my class this year--we are going to have a lot of fun!

Mission Statement: The mission of Physical Education is to empower all students to sustain regular, lifelong physical activity as a foundation for a healthy, productive and fulfilling life.

Course requirements: Students have the opportunity to earn daily points for units & fitness activities which must be entered in a weekly log. Along with that, points will be given for weekly Google Meets which you must attend to receive full credit. Wednesdays will be our run day and must be included in your weekly log.

P.E. Activities: Students will typically participate 2 days each week in a Synchronous Fitness Activity (Trunk Lift, Curl-ups, Push-ups, and/or activities that promote physical fitness levels) and 3 days each week in an asynchronous activity including a running component on Wednesdays.

Here are some terms you should be familiar with for Distance Learning:

Weekly Playlists - agendas, videos, assignments, and weekly physical Education logs for each week

Google Classroom - where you complete and submit your work; this page shows you how to log in

Synchronous Classwork - work you do during our scheduled time together in Google Meets

Asynchronous Homework - work you do independently during times when our class isn't meeting


Nieves week 1 PE Playlist

Weeks 1 & 2

August 13-21

Nieves week 3 PE Playlist

Week 3

August 24-28

Nieves Week 4 PE Playlist

Week 4

August 31-Sept. 4

Nieves week 5 PE Playlist

Week 5

Sept. 7-11

Nieves week 6 PE Playlist

Week 6

Sept. 14-18

Nieves week 7 PE Playlist

Week 7

Sept. 21-25

Nieves week 8 PE Playlist

Week 8

Sept. 28-Oct 2

Nieves week 9 PE Playlist

Week 9

Oct. 5-9

Contact me:


I hold office hours from 2:00pm-3:00pm by appointment only. This is where you can get your questions answered and any information regarding Physical Education class or athletics. If that time doesn't work for you, email me and we can set up another meeting time.

Mr. Nieves Syllabus

*Overview/ Goals- Here at Canyon Middle School our goal is to develop physically educated and physically fit students who will become committed to lifelong health and physical well- being. This is done in a fun and safe environment where ALL students can thrive. It is essential that students follow the teachers’ directions, respect others, and participate fully in all activities while considering safety at all times and using the equipment properly as directed.

*Requirements/ Grading- Grading will consist of WEEKLY EXERCISE LOGS: 30 minutes of activity a day and 2 GOOGLE MEETS: To receive full credit students must attend the ENTIRE TIME until the teacher releases them. Grades will be entered weekly in AERIES. Please send a note/ email to your teacher. A medical doctor's note is required if a student is unable to participate for more than 3 consecutive days.

*Google Meet/Zoom Expectations

  1. Turn your camera on when you log on (unless you’ve made prior arrangements with your teacher)

  2. Mute your mic until called on by teacher

  3. Make sure your device is charged

  4. Be fully dressed

  5. Be respectful

*Tech Issues- Please contact your student's site administrator for all tech problems.

A+: 98 - 100% C+: 76.5 - 79.4

A: 91 - 97% C: 72.5 - 76.4

A-: 89.5 - 92 C-: 69.5 - 72.4

B+: 86.5 - 89.4 D+: 66.5 - 69.4

B: 82.5 - 86.4 D: 62.5 - 66.4

B-: 79.5 - 82.4 D-: 59.5 - 62.4

F: 0 - 59.4

Google Meets: 50%

Video Exercises/Activities/Exercise Logs: 50%