Welcome to your one-stop hub for Regnart Distance Learning. Here you can drill down to specific grade levels and get school updates. School work continues to go ungraded, but we want students and teachers to start interacting with learning so our virtual learning platform can grow.

To ensure you are kept well-informed:

  • Please watch for and read any messages from CUSD in your email and posted to our district website.

  • Please watch for and read any messages from your Principal, Mr. Jackson via email

  • Please watch for and read any messages from your teacher(s) via email.

April 5-9

Please take a moment to view this video https://youtu.be/XuMdYHUybj8 and read the following information below for Pick-up & Drop-Off.

All families must complete our Symptom Checklist self-screening each day at home before coming to school. Students need to be wearing their mask when they enter onto campus.

All students will line up six feet apart on the block-top by their classroom numbers. Teachers will be on the black-top to greet their students beginning at 8:15 a.m.- 8:30 a.m.

Arrival/Drop-Off Procedures

● Parents are encouraged to drive and drop off their student in the driveway to limit the number of adults around the campus. Students should NOT be on campus prior to 8:15 a.m.

● Walking or biking is also an option - we ask that parents promptly leave campus immediately and do not congregate.

● Parents will not be allowed to travel passed the the marking identified on the video.

● Only one adult should accompany children at drop off to reduce congestion.

● Staff and members of our PTA Executive Board will assist greeting and welcoming student to campus.

Dismissal/Pick-Up Procedures

● It is critical that parents arrive on time to pick up as teachers will have only a short period before they

are expected to be online with the at home learners. Please refer to your students' schedule.

● Only one adult should accompany children at pick-up.

● Parents of students in Grades 1-5 should expect to pick up their students in front of the building either in the parking lot for drivers or on the grass area in front of school on Yorkshire for walkers.

● Students in Grades 3-5 who have permission to walk or bike home alone will be excused by their teachers.

Important Note: The playground and blacktop areas are CLOSED until 4 p.m. every day. No one is allowed to stay on school grounds after dismissal.

Hers is the district's link to re-opening school as a quick referencehttps://www.cusdk8.org/reopeningupdates.

Thank you and have a great day on purpose,

Daric Jackson, Principal

Regnart Elementary School Drop-Off & Pick-Up Instructional Video

Parent EL Master Plan Overview 2020-2021

Honoring the Legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

As we enter this holiday weekend, it is fitting for us to reflect on the work of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr, whose life and work we celebrate on Monday. Dr. King dedicated his life to advocating for the rights of all Americans using non-violent protest. Given the centuries long struggle of our neighbors, friends, and colleagues to secure equal rights and representation, I thought it would be fitting to reflect on the core principles of non-violence in honor of Dr. King. The following are from the website The King Center. As I read through these principles, I reflected on my own beliefs and actions to support equity. I have included a question or two under each principle. I would encourage you to take some time to reflect on the work of Dr. King and the call to action presented in these principles.


Nonviolence is a way of life for courageous people.

  • It is active nonviolent resistance to evil.

  • It is aggressive spiritually, mentally and emotionally.

In what ways can I demonstrate courage against inequitable practices in my community?


Nonviolence seeks to win friendship and understanding.

  • The end result of nonviolence is redemption and reconciliation.

  • The purpose of nonviolence is the creation of the Beloved Community

How can I put myself into a position of listening to those whose views are different from my own with the purpose of understanding them, so I can build friendships and reconciliation?


Nonviolence seeks to defeat injustice not people.

  • Nonviolence recognizes that evildoers are also victims and are not evil people.

  • The nonviolent resister seeks to defeat evil, not people.

Am I stereotyping people based on factors such as where they live or their political affiliation and casting judgement on them before seeking to understand them? Do I seek to understand the experiences that have led a person to their beliefs? Am I focused on the systems of injustice or the people who have become symbols of that injustice?


Nonviolence holds that suffering for a cause can educate and transform people and societies.

  • Nonviolence accepts suffering without retaliation.

  • Unearned suffering for a cause is redemptive and has tremendous educational and transforming possibilities.

Am I allowing time for change and transformation, or am I expecting immediate results? Am I allowing myself to transform, or am I stuck in a cycle of frustration and disappointment?


Nonviolence chooses love instead of hate.

  • Nonviolence resists violence of the spirit as well as the body.

  • Nonviolent love is spontaneous, unmotivated, unselfish and creative.

In what ways have I shown love and compassion for those whose views are different than mine, even when faced with hate or anger?


Nonviolence believes that the universe is on the side of justice.

  • The nonviolent resister has deep faith that justice will eventually win.

  • Nonviolence believes that God is a God of justice. (I recognize that not everyone holds the same religious beliefs, but I wanted to provide these points as presented by The King Center. If this bullet point does not resonate with you spiritually, I believe that the first bullet point can stand alone.)

Do I have the conviction and commitment to do the work necessary to accomplish "wins," whether they be small or large? What are the small wins I can advocate for within my sphere of influence?

Dear Roadrunner,

Teacher College Reader's Workshop Project (TCRWP): Literacy Support for Families


Lucy Calkins and TCRWP staff developers have created a site to support parents with their child's literacy learning in distance learning. Included are parent videos, book collections, and free workshops/office hours for parents. (There is a great video on the importance of productive struggle.). Check it out! #parents #ELA #UnitsofStudy

Supports for Families | Teachers College Reading and Writing Project

Daric Jackson, Principal

Copy of Elementary Report Card/ParentVUE Instructions
November 16, 2020

Principal's Message-

My Movie 1 - Small.mov

Greetings Fellow Roadrunners,

I am indeed grateful, humbled and excited to have joined this great community of educators, students, and parents where I believe teaching and learning occur within every interaction. Each day presents an opportunity for all of us to expand our capacity through non-fictional and fictional texts, have meaningful discourse between peers and teachers and engage in rigorous lessons that demand students to use their critical thinking skills -- a place where students are encouraged and applauded for taking risks, and at times challenging the status quo. Now more-so than before in our history, we have the opportunity to have our students engage in and with technology. This is also an opportunity for all of us to learn from each other, to focus on the social emotional well-being of students, parents/guardians and staff. Project Cornerstone has taught us many lessons over the years about kindness, empathy, being supportive, and being a friend.W We must show kindness to ourselves and others and be patient with ourselves and others, while knowing that the staff is going to continue preparing students for the next level of excellence and eventually be college and career ready.

Distance Learning: .

Full distance learning schedules will launch on August 24 and continue until January 8.

During the first few weeks of school, you can anticipate the following:

● Google Meets for your child with their teacher and classmates. Attendance will be recorded daily, beginning on the first day of instruction, Thursday, August 13

● Scheduled time for every child to meet with their teachers (virtually). These meetings may include getting to know each other activities, assessments, and orientation to the Distance Learning technology platform

● A virtual Back to School Night for parents, live or recorded

● Opportunities for parents/guardians to ask questions and express hopes about their child’s experience

● A materials pick-up/distribution process so your child can collect books and supplies

● Daily assignments from their teacher and online assessments

● Opportunities to attend parent/guardian workshops/webinars about how to support learning

Learning time will include “live” time guided by the teacher in whole group and small group formats, opportunities for timely feedback through electronic platforms such as Seesaw and Google classroom, as well as independent work time. Together, these elements make up the total daily learning time. The schedule will be modified on Wednesday and teachers also may adjust the schedule on other days in order to be responsive to individual or classroom needs. The total daily instructional minutes will remain unchanged in order to meet required daily learning time.

Please take a few minutes to review this Distance Learning Handbook for Parents.

I stand ready to support every student throughout this school year and cannot wait to meet each one. I will send out my office hours schedule once we have gotten through the first seven days of school, however, you can always reach me via email. I will respond to all communications without 24 hours, or to the best of my ability.

In closing, I would like to thank the PTA Board and Regnart staff for giving me such a warm welcome. So now, let the fun begin on August 13. Let's join together to make this an absolutely wonderful, productive, awesome and life-changing year for our students.

Have a great day on purpose,

Daric Jackson, Principal


Creating your ParentVUE Account

Activating your ParentVUE account must be done on a laptop or desktop, not in a mobile browser.

1. Open your browser and navigate to https://parentvue.cusdk8.org. Select "I am a parent.”

2. Click more options, click activate account, accept privacy statement.

3. Sign in with the activation key and follow the prompts.

Along with many other districts, CUSD is adjusting the report card marks for the third trimester of this school year. In place of traditional proficiency marks, teachers will use the comments section to provide information about the content covered during distance learning and your child’s progress. In place of traditional marks, you will see the * symbol. This symbol signals that parents should refer to the comments section.

I appreciate your ongoing support this spring as we all adjusted to distance learning and want to express my gratitude to you, our students, and our staff.

Wide Open School

Curated and coordinated by the experts at Common Sense, Wide Open School is the result of a collaboration among leading publishers, nonprofits, and education and technology companies. Wide Open School features a free collection of the best learning experiences and activities for kids, organized by grade band and subject.