4/5 SDC

Welcome to Room 20!

Your student’s daily lessons will be posted on Google classroom by 9:00 am weekdays. You can also find the materials for the day in each lesson. Resources for Speech, OT and Caps can also be found in Google Classroom.

There will be no work assigned during weekends or Spring break.

Class will have a reading circle every Monday and Wednesday at 9:00 am using Google Hangouts.

If you have any questions, I will be available through email (garcia_gloria@cusdk8.org). I will try to answer all the emails within 1 day, during school hours.

EPIC class code: ctz2632

RAZ KIDS passcode:room20

Lexia login with google email- (6 digit ID)@cusdk8.org, Password: cusd1234)

Suggested Daily Schedule