CMEA Solo Ensemble Festivals

The Solo Ensemble Festival takes place March 16 and 23 at San Jose State University. All materials about the event and schedule for Miller are available in a zip file here.

A solo is a piece for your instrument plus accompaniment (usually piano). An ensemble is a group of musicians (usually 2, 3, or four) who play one piece together. Each player of an ensemble must play a different part. Unison playing is not allowed.

Performers play for one adjudicator, who gives feedback on the performance. Music must be classical. Broadway, pop, jazz, rock, etc. are not appropriate for the Solo Ensemble Festival. Solos must have piano accompaniment, so if you wish to do a solo, find your accompanist early (but after you choose your music, so you can give them a copy). Soloists should ask their private teacher for an appropriate solo.

Advanced Band members are required to perform in the Solo Ensemble Festival, as either a soloist or ensemble member. Accompanying another player is great, but it does not count as a performance for an Advanced Band musician. Accompanists should be excellent pianists with an excellent sense of time and rhythm. They should not struggle with the music. The job of the accompanist is to make the soloist sound his or her best. The soloist should pay the accompanist for his or her time and effort making the soloist sound his best.

More advanced students in Mustang and Beginning Bands may also perform, with approval from their band director.

To facilitate practicing and feedback from me or another teacher, students who wish to play ensembles must be from the same band class. It also helps greatly if soloists use accompanists from the same band class.

Private lessons from a qualified instructor are highly recommended for those who wish to perform in the Solo Ensemble Festival. "Cramming" a month before doesn't work. Get started early.