
Beginning April 14, 2021, Mrs. Hester will be on maternity leave. Remember all of the things we learned this year!

Great Kindness Challenge-Kennedy Gardens

January 25th-29th is the Great Kindness Challenge. Please visit Mrs. Hester's virtual office for books, videos, and activities. We will be celebrating in many ways, including a spirit week where students can experience different ways to BE KIND!

IT'S HIGHER ED WEEK September 21st-25th! Join us in Virtual Spirit Week. (Send photos to

You can visit this site and learn all about college options:

Remember that video your teachers made last year about their college experience? If you haven't seen it or want to watch it again, visit my YouTube Channel.

"Online Registrations" for the 2020-21 school year will open on Friday, May 29, 2020. This includes registrations for:

  1. New enrollments, such as transitional, kindergarten, and students new to our school district, and

  2. Verification of residency for all current students

The online registration will be done using our parent portal. If parents do not have their account, they can request it from their school site principal or via our support channels.

For access to resources on how to submit your online registration go to the following website.