Remote Learning Resources

These are the two tools endorsed for hosting a virtual classroom and for hosting video conferencing.

Live and Interactive

For meeting with students at designated times, we recommend the following resources below. For each resource will also find tutorials and additional resources.


Free premium edition through June 30, 2020 for educators to use Zoom to meet over video conference. This LINK provides details to access free upgrade and includes resources for remote learning.

Zoom Settings for a Safe Virtual Classroom and Staff Video Conferencing

Zoom Blogs

Best Practices for Securing Your Virtual Classroom

How to Keep the Party Crashers from Crashing Your Zoom Event


These are resources where you can provide classroom assignments for your students. Students do not need to be logged on at the same time. They can access assignments and turn them in when they log in. These are our most recommended resources, however if you have a great resource that works for you, we recommend that continue using it.