Instructional Resources

TK-12 Resources

Wide Open School: Free curriculum resource provided Common Sense Media in collaboration with various partners.

Scholastic Learn at Home: Free resource by Scholastic made specifically to contribute to student learning during students' time away from school. Content will be updated until it has 20 days of engaging instructional content for students of all grade levels.

Newsela: Free resources to support school communities during school closures. We have access to the premium subscription until June 30, 2020. Check out the toolkit resources for administrators, teachers and parents.

Study Sync (Grade 6-8) StudySync has put together Remote Learning Resources to assist you with planning remote work for your students. It includes suggestions for using StudySync’s flexible approach to lesson delivery with options for both online and offline learning opportunities. Webinars will be offered for administrators and teachers to address the same topics, especially around using StudySync in a remote learning environment.

SFUSD Mathematics Lessons: 10 days of math activities provided by the SFUSD offered as an OER specfically designed for remote learning during school closures.

SFUSD Math Portal- (K-5 Curriculum)

In 2012, the SFUSD math department began creating a Math Core Curriculum. "OER" is an acronym for "Open educational resources." The SFUSD Elementary Math Core Curriculum, Grades K–5, is available to the public under the Creative Commons Attribution license (CC BY) that permits anyone to copy, revise, remix, and distribute the work, as long as SFUSD is credited for the original creation. Please see the ACCESS page for more information.

Khan Academy: Specific resources created to support Remote Learning during school closures can be found HERE.

Hour of Code: Videos and resources to set up your class.

Mystery Science: Free lessons to support science for K-5 students during school closures.

Prodigy Math: Free math currriculum for students, parents and schools.

BrainPop: Educators can request free access to Brainpop if your school is closed.

ISTE COVID 19 Resources: List of resources, tools and suggested daily activities compiled by ISTE for students that reflecting Making, STEM and off line activities during a school closure.

Google for Education: Subscribe to the Google for Education You Tube channel to gain access to great videos to support Google Apps in the classroom or during remote learning.

Scholastic Classroom Magazines: Resource to educate students about the coronavirus and how to stay safe.

Minecraft Education: Resources to support remote learning.

Discovery Education: Response coronavirus by Discovery Education.

Book Creator: Free for 90 days for schools that are closing.

Kahoot Premium: Free premium version of Kahoot for schools closing.

Flipgrid: Remote Learning resources.

Going Old School: Offline activities to support remote learning.

Ditch That Textbook eLearning Activities: 50 eLearning activities, templates, and tutorials.

PBS So Cal: At home learning resources created in collaboration between PBS So Cal, KCET, KLCSO, and KQED.

Scaffolded Math and Science: Features the Desmos Art Project

Audible: Free audio books for children for the duration of school closures.

Vooks: Free one year license for teachers with a library of animated storybooks.

TED Ed at Home: Expert teachers and TED speakers deliverying daily lessons that are interactive and video-based. Clik on the link to sign up and receive lessons in your inbox. Open Educational Resource that allow you to build your own digital textbooks (Math, Science, English, Social Studies, and more).

Scaffolded Math and Science: Features the Desmos Art Project