Resources for Students


I miss you so much! Just think that this will pass and it will stay with as a learning lesson, let's take the best out of this situation. It's Ok to feel sad, upset, confused, calm, happy or a mix of feelings. We are all in this and we have each other to go through this. In the meantime let's make it as positive and as a learning lesson for us.

See you soon my awesome DOLPHINS!

Les extraño tanto! Solo piensen que esto pasará y seguirá siendo una lección de aprendizaje, saquemos lo mejor de esta situación. Está bien sentirse triste, molesto, confundido, tranquilo, feliz o una mezcla de sentimientos. Todos estamos en esto y nos tenemos los unos a los otros. Mientras tanto, hagámoslo tan positivo y como una lección de aprendizaje para nosotros.

¡Hasta pronto mis increíbles DELFINES!

This month we are focusing on habit 3 "Put First Things first" and on caring (watch videos)

30 Things you can do at home!

  • Practice a breathing technique

  • Do your chores without being asked

  • Make a card for someone you love.

  • Read a book.

  • and many more!

These are some great activities to do at home!

Copy of Counselor Kit