Dear Huskie

Dear person with mean girl problems,

I'm so sorry this is happening to you. Please know that I have gone through the exact same thing you have multiple times. The only thing I can say is talk to Mr. Simpson. He is always there to help in all kinds of situations like this. I wish you the best of luck.

-Hannah Huskie

Dear person with "Friend" issues,

I’m sorry you are under this kind of stress. I understand how hard this can be and here is my advice to you. I would try and back away from her slowly and maybe tell her that she’s a distraction to your work. If that doesn’t work, I would advise you to ask a teacher for help. I hope this helps!

-Heidi, Harvey Huskie, and Hannah Huskie

Dear person with a frenemy,

I would definitely talk to a parent or teacher about this. This could become something way worse if you don’t stop this as soon as you can. The teacher or parent will help you, I guarantee it.

-Heidi, Harvey Huskie, and Hannah Huskie