Culver Community Voyagers

Mission Statement

Culver Community School Corporation will assist high ability students in attaining intellectual and creative potential in the areas of Language Arts and Math. This will be accomplished by providing challenging, diverse, motivating, open-ended atmosphere that recognizes the uniqueness of the individual, and promotes differentiated learning experiences apart from the basic core. The Voyagers program is committed to helping our students reach maximum achievement and will prepare students to live productively and responsibly in a technical, global society.

Definition of High Ability

"A High Ability Student is one who performs at, or shows potential for performing at, an outstanding level of accomplishment in at least one domain when compared to other students of the same age, experience, or environment; and is characterized by exceptional gifts, talents, motivation or interests." Indiana Code 20-36-1-3


1. Promote increased awareness, recognition, advocacy and support for the unique academic and social/emotional needs of highly able students.

2. Provide a consistent continuum of education service options, grade k through 12, that accommodates the diverse learning needs of highly able students and provides students with skills necessary for College and Career Readiness.

3. Provide learning environments that offer the level of challenge necessary for intellectual and personal growth.

4. Support staff development and provide assistance to teachers in meeting the needs of highly able students in their classrooms through differentiation techniques.

5. Encourage learning beyond the regular curriculum that emphasizes critical thinking by delving deeper in standards and their application.